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Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:50 am
by verticaltrailmix
Hey! :D

Does anybody know about the availability or ANYTHING about mouthguards for those of us that have a metal mouth at the moment??

After being hit in the mouth for the first time (with braces on) today :yikes: I realized that a mouthguard might not be such a bad idea. I do a lot of Mountainbiking and with Snowboarding season coming up SOON :banana: I've been trying to find some mouthguards that will fit or accommodate braces. The one I have now for boxing definitely won't fit. :-((

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks! :dance: :dance:


Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:14 pm
by Lisa65
Amber, I'm not at all sporty and have never had the need for a mouthguard, but a quick google of "orthodontic mouthguard" turned up several hits.
Here's one for you to try

Being hit in the mouth wearing braces doesn't sound nice at all, and might damage your brackets, teeth and lips :?

I hope you find something suitable. Perhaps you could ask your ortho to recommend one.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:27 pm
by SnowSara
My ortho has a big poster in the kid's waiting room promoting mouth guards for activities like skateboarding and snowboarding (I live in the mountains, everyone's a skier or snowboarder) - I snowboarded last winter without one, but the thought did cross my mind that if I were to take a digger I could do a lot of damage with this metal in my mouth! I'll ask at my next adjustment if he has any recommendations ;)

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:21 pm
by iBorg
Try richard's Sporting Goods if you have one near by.
They had some just for brace wearers in both child and adult sizes.


Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:09 pm
by tommyfive
Having a five-year-old, I learned quickly that a mouthguard is a great idea.

I got whacked in the mouth by the back of an angry five-year-old head once.


That's all it took.

I saw stars; it felt like I had holes in my lips for two days.

I can't imagine *boxing* without braces, let alone with them!

Do they have mouthguards especially made for parents of small children?


Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:29 pm
by verticaltrailmix
Oh Tommy I TOTALLY know what you mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(( That's actually one of the other "activities" I was going to use it for haha. I work (ha, and live) at my Mom's daycare... that's 12 kiddos climbing all over me... and it was actually two 4-year olds that gave me my first hit in the metal trap! :yikes: :yikes: What was worse is when I just kind of collapsed in the fetal position on the floor, they thought I was "playing dead" and jumped on me haha :dance: So I definitely need some plan of attack :thumbsup:

Thanks for everyone's input! I've definitely done some more searching around... I can't seem to find anything that will fit braces that you can FORM like most of the regular ones... but a friend of mine told me his ortho offered making a mold and they send it in to make custom mouthguards??? I haven't heard of this until now... and I'll definitely be asking my ortho when I go back next... so we'll see... :-#)

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:29 am
by Higgy
I can put a bit of imput on this one...getting hit in the mouth with braces and not having a HORRIBLY painful....I got hit in the mouth while playing basketball not too long after I first got my braces...and it TORE up my cheeks big time...once orthodontic treatment is through, getting a custom made one is a good idea...but with all the changes going on...that would be a waste of money...check your local sporting goods store...and I would also call your orthodontist to see if they have special instructions on how to custom fit it...there may be differences in the way you do that with braces.