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Anyone got a screw in their jaw...? What's it like?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:34 am
by dramaqueendaisy
So...just got home from my third adjustment with new wires and longer powerchains and an information sheet about 'Mini Temporary Anchorage Devices' :shock: My Ortho has suggested if I am willing that I have one fitted at my next appointment...bit scary.

Anyone else got one? Do they hurt? What should I expect? Any advice gratefully received... :Questions:


Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:59 am
by unimaginative
I dont know my way around here that do i get to lisa65's page? I am curious about this other anchors as well.


Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:36 pm
by lovesupreme08
I just got my appliances on Tuesday, I will be going back on October 4 to get a mini implant in the lower jaw that will hopefully pull the third molar up far enough so I can get a bridge or some implants for the missing two molars on the left side. After reading Lisa's posts I am a bit afraid of the whole thing.


Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:13 pm
by dramaqueendaisy
Er...yep. I'm with you...sounds a bit scary! :shock:

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:17 pm
by macca
Hi Dramaqueendaisy,
I've currently got two mini-implant screws in my gum on the lower left-hand side, to help with closing an extraction gap by pulling the molars forward. They were supposed to go on the right-hand side as well, but the gap is closing well enough by itself.
Anyway enough of myself, just to let you know I found no problem at all when having them put in, and since then have got on just fine with them (they've been in about 10 months so far).
I won't go into the details, but the anaesthetic numbs everything out and you don't feel any pain at all. Even after it wore off I could not really feel any serious pain. There is a small chance your jaw bone might reject the implant, but it's only a small chance (about 5% I've heard).
These implants are becoming very popular now as they are much better than the prospect of extra-oral devices like headgear, I would defintely say go for it - do check out Lisa65's thread as well for more information.

Hope it all goes well.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:30 am
by dramaqueendaisy
Thanks for that Macca! I'm only having one implant in my ortho is going to do it at my next adjustment in November. He's not mentioned headgear to me yet but if that's the alternative then, personally, i think I'll definitely go for the implant. I've had five teeth out earlier this year so it can't be much worse than that! (Although that wasn't too bad actually...)

Anyway, thanks for the moral support...I'll keep you posted how I get on! :D