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They told me that they are going to pull my teeth.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:56 am
by mandametalmouth
:) Hey everybody! My name is Amanda and I'm 29. I have just started the steps that I need to go through to get my teeth straightened. I have crowding on both the bottom and the top... all in the front! My ortho told me that I need to have four teeth pulled and that they are going to take my bicuspids. That is going to happen on the 23rd of October and then spacers on the 7th of Nov. and braces on the day before Thanksgiving. I'm nervous about the whole thing. My boyfriend had braces as a teenager and says that they hurt for months. I just know that I won't have to worry about putting on weight over the holidays.

If anyone has been through the teeth pulling thing and all of that... please let me know what's going to happen...I'm excited and nervous all in one!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:51 am
by lab117
I agree with Meryaten. I went for a few consults and had everything ranging from pulling teeth to no extractions and finished in 12 months. I settled on no extractions and the 30 months. I felt that the slower time frame was more reasonable and I wanted to ensure I was comfortable with the treatment plan.

As far as the pain... I have had no pain and very minimal discomfort or tenderness. This tenderness lasts only a couple of days and just makes it a little harder to chew. Therefore I have to eat a little more slowly, but nothing otherwise has changed.

Good luck with your treatment!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 12:30 pm
by jennandtonic
I also had 4 bicuspids pulled. I can't say whether you will be in pain or not, just because it does vary from person to person, and also I had my wisdom teeth pulled at the same time, so my pain was probably a bit more than others'.

HOWEVER, it did not hurt as much as I thought it would, and I adjusted very quickly to those teeth being gone. I was painless in about a week, the big adjustment I had was learning to eat...then RE-learning again once I got my braces on. I wouldn't worry overmuch about it, just pay attention to the after care advice that your ortho and whoever is going to actually do the tooth pulling will give. And remember the warm salt water rinses- they will help the healing process of your gums!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:50 pm
by theprettyone
Meryaten wrote: but if you are not 100% comfy based on what your ortho has told you that yours is one of these, do consider seeking a second opinion.
Absolutely!!! 3 years ago my ortho recommended I have 2 teeth (the first molars behind my fangs) extracted, I didn't feel good about the idea, but I figured he was the expert!! Fast forward to now, my new ortho (I stopped prior treatment because I felt I was being misled) said my old one was a quack who never should have had teeth extracted, I have plenty of room and my profile is beyond perfect. I was told I have a strong case against my old ortho to sue for replacing the teeth he incorrectly extracted, $3000 per bridge. The gaps are awful (though mostly hidden) and now I have the pleasure of getting some false teeth!!

As for the actual extractions, I am the QUEEN of babies when it comes to medical procedures (the extractions were the biggest thing I've ever had done), I need to be sedated for a check up (I'm being serious, I have Valium, lol). I was crying and shaking in the chair and I couldnt even remember my last name to write it on the form. But once he turned on the gas (STRONGLY recommended!!) and shot me up with strong novacaine (honestly the most painful part, right in the roof of my mouth), I was on cloud nine to the 10th power! I didnt know the teeth were out until he sat me up and told me. 15 minutes tops!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:36 pm
by JoviFan
Initiall I had 2 consults, 1 said I need extractions right away and the other thought we could do it w/o extractions. So I went with the guy that said w/o. Well, we tried to not pull teeth, but in fixing my uppers, my overbite got better, but my overjet got worse, so here I am 8 months in and just had 2 upper bicuspid extractions 2 weeks ago now! It went fine. I was sedated and used pain pills for about 2 days, then just last stitch finally fell out last night! :) and it's been 1 week since my lower brackets were put on. I go back end of Oct to start elastics! and get those gaps closing! Can't wait to see progress there! :) :)

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:58 pm
by jennielee81
My first consult said lower jaw surgery to extend my lower jaw.

Second consult said extract upper pre-molars (1st bicuspids).

Third consult said no extractions....increase the circumference of the arch and that will make room.

I took #3 and it worked.

If you are uncomfortable (as those above have said) get another consult. It can make a big difference as I've shown posted. :thumbsup:

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 6:44 pm
by DavidT
I had 4 teeth extracted and never got a second opinion. I deeply regret it. My arch is now narrower than it used to be and I wish someone would have told me of this consequence.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:31 pm
by sauerkraut
Amanda, like other posters, I am picking up the message from your post that you are not 100% convinced of the need for extractions. Apologies if I've got that wrong, but like others have said, if you do have any doubts then there is absolutely no harm in getting a 2nd or even 3rd or 4th opinion - even if in the end they only serve the purpose of confirming there's absolutely no way round having the extractions. At least then you can go to the extractions appointment with the complete conviction that you're doing the right thing. I'm sure that'd help you cope with it better, too.

The first ortho I consulted about adult ortho treatment (many years ago now) also wanted to extract 4 teeth. I just didn't feel happy with that, especially as in my case I'd already had extractions during treatment as a teenager. A long time after, I've finally started treatment in a different country and have just had surgery to widen my top arch. It was so ridiculously narrow and misformed that the surgeon was getting all his students to have a look and taking photos for his next research article!

Obviously surgery is even more drastic than extractions, but when I queried the need for it, the surgeon told me that extracting more teeth would have been hopelessly inadequate and would in any event have caused my face to collapse/cave in :shock:

That's a bit of an extreme example of course and I'm not saying it need apply to you. But if you do still have any doubts, then get a second opinion!!

Sorry, didn't mean to write an essay! All the best with your treatment! :D