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Through the Bite Elastic

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:25 pm
by OnMyWay
Has anyone had to wear what they call a through the bite elastic? I'm supposed to be wearing it on the very back molar. It goes from the inside top molar to outside on the bottom molar.

I'm finding it almost impossible to get on and then if or when i do get the elastic on, it's only there for about an hour before it snaps because of the teeth grinding on it. I'm considering just forgetting about it. Anyone had these problems?

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:42 pm
by OnMyWay
Thanks for the reply. I'm just not sure how i persevere when it won't stay on for longer than an hour before breaking.

It's actually being used to correct a cross bite that is just on that molar.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:34 pm
by eoberhauser
Hi, I had this very elastic and for the very same reason - to correct a crossbite. When putting it on, put the inside side on first, then out to the outside. (if it's on the right side, use your right hand) I really didn't have trouble with them breaking, but if you do ask your ortho for an extra baggie of elastics, and carry it with you in your pocket/purse. Then if it snaps, you can put another one in right away. I can't tell you how important elastics are. My cross bite was fixed completely with this elastic. I can definitely relate since I have been in elastics in some form or another since maybe my 4 or 5 adjustment. It is absolutely crucial to wear them as instructed. If you don't, you're next frustration would be that you have to deal with it for another several months. Just to give you hope - my ortho at one point said I had to stop wearing my elastics full time because I was wearing them too much! Stay positive!!!


Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:37 am
by bckydgardnr
I have the same configuration right now. It is fixing a cross bite. At first I kept biting through the elastic, but after awhile it stops. Just keep wearing them!

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:26 pm
by NotBob1
I have the same one too! It is on my right side, first molar inside to the bottom molar outside. Mine breaks allot, too. I tend to go through four to six a day. It sounds like you go through more....What elastic strength/size is it? Mine are named "Impala" They are tiny and very thick...

Keep on it! Mention the breaking to your ortho. It really does work and is VERY IMPORTANT with a crossbite!!! :)

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:25 pm
by victor36
Hello there, OnMyWay!

I had to wear that exact same elastic configuration (but mine was on both sides) during the first 5-1/2 months of treatment. I had to stretch those tiny 1/8" elastics which took a little getting used to at first, and yes, like yourself, mine broke ALL the time. The easiest way for me to hook them on was to connect it to the upper "K" hook first, then hook it to the bottom band. The only advice I can offer is to be mindful of your chewing (I have swallowed more broken elastics than I care to admit) and take your pack of elastics everywhere you go--I would keep packets at home and at work--because the end result is going to be awesome. My upper bite was narrower than the lower and these little guys fixed that right up:

Check it out, I hope this gives you some encouragement:

Here's to fast, GREAT progress with your elastics! :-88 :-88 :-88
