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Please tell me this gets better... and soon :-(

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:16 pm
by AMinTX
I'm so stoked to have beautiful teeth, but my braces are really irritating :(

I just hope this gets better, very soon! I am kinda feeling like "WTH did I do???" right now... ugh

I got my braces on Thursday morning, yesterday the pain was awful, but ibuprofen did help, today, they're just annoying! It doesn't help that they had to build up two molars to prevent my teeth from hitting my brackets, so only a couple teeth even touch, so eating is a huge PITA...


Please tell me it gets better.... sigh....


Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:22 pm
by jennielee81
AWW! :(

It does get better!!

I promise. It may take a few weeks, but it does get rather boring and ordinary after a while.

Best wishes....and we understand!!

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:31 pm
by AMinTX
Thank you jennielee81...

It actually helps to know that other people have been through it.

Your teeth are gorgeous, by the way!


Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:33 pm
by jennielee81
THANKS, I love them too!!

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:33 pm
by joney
The honeymoon period lasted about two days with me when I was excited to have braces and then on the third day I thought the same as you "what on earth have I done?"

However I am nearly one year down the line now and I absolutely know it was a great decision.

The first weeks are really hard but then I promise that it gets easier and easier. Treat yourself and hang in there, it'll get much better.


Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:25 pm
by lilblackdress
Angela, I know how you feel - I got braced one day before you!

The 2ND and 3RD days were definitely the most uncomfortable. I kept thinking "I can't believe I am voluntarily doing this to myself!" :shock:

But each day gets a little better and I know it will be worth it in the end.

Best wishes,


Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:43 pm
by Ronsie
I remember that feeling! I got my braces and two hours later had four premolars pulled. On the ride home, I could only say, "What the h*ll was I thinking?!?!" Well, my mother-in-law and I had a long laugh at that!

For the first three months or so, I was uncomfortable though not in pain. After that, my front teeth were nice and straight and my braces and I have been buddies every since!

It will get better!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 2:45 am
by fitchick
Hi Angela,

Yes, I agree with everyone else above, it definitely does get better. It takes my teeth 4 days to settle each time before I start to forget about them and things go back to normal.

Keep in mind your beautiful end result, that combined with the support from all your friends on here, it will get you through it.

Good Luck and remember pain = progress!


Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:00 am
by AMinTX
Thank you so much everyone! :heart:

I it very comforting to know that others have gone through this & that it does get better!

I will do my best to keep my end result in mind, but that is so hard since this is just the beginning! I am working on it, though.

So far, today is a little better, I guess I will take this a day at a time for now, until they start to feel like a part of me :)


Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:05 pm
by BobKitten
I was thinking just earlier today, whilst enjoying some nice food.... I remember, when the braces were first fitted, I thought I might never be able to eat properly or quickly with them - I was having tiny bites to eat and was really self-conscious of people seeing me, and hyper-aware of the uncomfortable movement of my teeth.

More than a year later, they really do feel part of me, they're not poking into the side of my mouth at all (unless i've not been drinking enough water during the day), I'm much more confident about eating (as my waistline shows :wink:). I don't know *when* this really started to not be an issue for me, but it wasn't too long after I first got them (about a month after they were fitted, I was back at a friend's house and I remember them saying, "are you still not feeling as if you can eat properly?" and smiling that I was doing much better now!), and, as time goes by, I hope you start to feel much more relaxed and, above all, really positive about the end result - oh, and i find that looking at all the fantastic smiles from the success stories here when I feel a bit down always works for me :banana:

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:01 pm
by cosmicgirl
I agree - the first couple of days it's still a novelty, but a week in, it's just plain annoying!.I would come home from work, kick off my tight shoes and go ahh, then take off my tight skirt and go aah again, then take out my contact lenses as they'd be feeling all hot and itchy and the relief was blissful. And then I'd want to tear the brackets off my teeth! They too felt hot, itchy, irritating etc etc. I got so fed up at the thought of slurping at soup for the umpteenth time and desperately wanted to munch into a carrot or apple - something that I never wanted to do pre-braces - typical!
However things gradually improve... I went to a ocean party last Saturday and even managed a canape. It was a skewered prawn - luckily we were outside and it was getting dark (plus I was on my second glass) so, emboldened, I stuffed the whole thing in my cakehole. It was a bit ambitious, but I did my best. Fast forward to Sunday bedtime after I'd flossed, brushed, rinsed (for the third time that day) and what did I pluck out from some dark recess of my mouth, but a prawn's leg...
I'm still not chewing with 100% efficiency, but gradually it's coming, so don't give up! Also, around this time you'll see a bit of movement - and that's all the proof you need that YES YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING!!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:11 pm
by cosmicgirl
ps it was drinks party - not an ocean one - I don't know why the word I used was changed! Perhaps you have an anti-rude word nanny on here, as the word I originally wanted to use is the one that describes fancy drinks, such as Kir Royale, Daquiri, Harvey Wallbanger etc, but because it includes the noun that means a male bird (and appendage!) it's been changed! Or am I going mad...?!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:27 pm
by jennielee81
ya, there's an auto re-writer for rude words.

sometimes things come out your ocean party!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:33 pm
by cosmicgirl
Thank goodness! Thought I'd had one "ocean" too many... :-88

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:41 pm
by cosmicgirl
BTW Jennie - your teeth look absolutely beautiful - can't believe how much they moved in just 11 weeks! (Just looked at your story) You must be thrilled with your finished result!