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Do braces make you think less clearly and alter the shape of

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:56 am
by teacherwithbraces
Has anyone noticed that you can't think so clearly with braces in? Sometimes my mind just seems to be in a fog, much more than it was before I had them. Also, has anyone noticed that their face looks different- perhaps more drawn and saggy? Perhaps it's my age, but I am hoping to go back to thinking more clearly when my brace is off. Only 5 months to go-I can't wait!!!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:48 pm
by jennandtonic
Hmm, I had not noticed a change in my thought pattern. I noticed a change in my face shape, but I think that was from the weight I lost when I initially got braces and wasn't eating much. :oops:

Seeing as how I haven't done badly in school since I got braces on, I assume that nothing has really changed, other than the arrangement of my teeth, of course!

But congrats on only having about 5 months to go!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:10 pm
by mjbusch
I am actually able to think clearer with braces. I just past 8 certifications this month alone and I got braces September 10th. I kind of know what you mean by not thinking clearly. When I had TMJ, I seemed so out of it.

Hopefully everything is better when you have your braces off.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:42 am
by HeyTeach
There have been no studies to my knowledge of whether or not certain modes of orthodontic treatment enhance or deter government psychotronic radiation mind control (which may be what you are experiencing). However, I'm sure that adapting the aluminum foil deflector beanie to a full head/face wrap would solve the problem if it is indeed the cause.

Now for a serious answer, there have been days when a dull head achy feel has been with me and not responded to the usual ibuprofen. But it's been here and there not all the time. I put it down to pressure on the sinuses from the teeth.

Generally though it's been all good for me.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:45 am
by lilblackdress
Has anyone noticed that you can't think so clearly with braces in?
Nope! Not yet. But, today was my first day returning to work after getting braces and everyone just seemed to be a lot funnier. :lol:

Not sure if it's the braces, the pain killers, or if I just really missed my coworkers. :roll:


Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:04 pm
by Katie A
:D Hi - I have to agree with mjbusch...since getting treatment for my TMJ problems, I've actually found my thinking to be much clearer because through bite splint therapy, braces, OS, etc. for the last 4 years, my TMJ pain in my jaws, face, head, neck and back has pretty much disappeared. Chronic pain and fatigue (due to poor sleep and grinding my teeth all night long) are the things that "clouded" my thinking.

Good luck to you on your treatment!

Katie A

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:32 pm
by jordanna
The only reason I find myself not thinking clearly is because at the moment I'm obsessed with all things braces (only had mine for 5 days). I seem to spend much of my day thinking about them, looking at them, writing about them :-#)

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 6:22 pm
by KikiloSugilo
The thought that braces alter ones thought is absolutely ludicrous and waste of discussion.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 7:18 pm
by Nancy51
I've been putting down my difficulty understanding the Laplace Transform to my feeble grasp of differential equations, generally. I'm relieved to think that it could simply be the braces. Maybe I can postpone the exam--until May, 2009. Thanks, Teacher! :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:26 pm
by ThinK
A snippet from a recent article I read:
Washington Post wrote:According to the National Orthodontic Association of North America, recent studies have shown that 84% of college-aged recipients of metallic braces suffer an average drop of 0.5 in their yearly-average GPA score. Those who chose Invisalign only displayed a 0.2 drop in their GPA score.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:29 pm
by ThinK
Nancy51 wrote:I've been putting down my difficulty understanding the Laplace Transform to my feeble grasp of differential equations, generally. I'm relieved to think that it could simply be the braces. Maybe I can postpone the exam--until May, 2009. Thanks, Teacher! :lol:
Marry me? ;)

I hated studying laplace transform. Not to mention z-transform. Ugh!

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:58 am
by katmc_tx
I dont really know if having braces altered my brain power, it may have in that it was all I could think about when I was in any type of discomfter.

As for your second question I feel my face has changed. When I got my braces off I went to the DMV for a new drivers license and had to take new picture. My old drivers license picture was taken before I had my braces. So when I got my new one and put it side by side with the old one I was really surprised at the difference in my face.

My face seemed thinner around my cheek area and just different. I think I only lost two lbs with my braces but gained them right. Maybe just not in my face :?:

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:17 am
by TsuKata
For what it's worth, if you're taking alot of ibuprofen or other pain meds, that may be making you feel fuzzy. Also, a general dull ache anywhere in your body can make parts of your brain shut's a defense mechanism. Basically, the part that is processing the pain will become overstimulated and just turn itself off for awhile, to theoretically allow you to escape your predator and recover, I guess.

None of this should affect higher brain functions (like talking, calculus, etc.) but it might be why you feel a little out of sorts.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:09 pm
by Boolajoojoo
I think I agree that they can sometimes effect my ability to concentrate... especially because my teeth are constantly shifting... when teeth shift and start contacting with each other differently it is distracting and annoying, I get used to them being one way and then they are different again... I will spend days shifting my jaw around trying to find what is comfortable... I dunno, it's weird. Sometimes I can forget that they are there, but I haven't gotten to the point where I can completely forget that they are there all the time... Bleh...

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:10 pm
by Boolajoojoo
*edit* Sorry, double post, computer glitched.