Since I so often post when I am feeling down, I felt the need to post something good for once. I had an adjustment today (I don't know what number as I don't keep track that way). I was given a stainless steel wire on top with 2 powerchains. One is a superchain going from 1-1, and the other is a regular powerchain going from 7-7. It goes over top of the superchain so my centrals have a lot of pull to try and close the last couple of mms from my SARPE.
On the bottom, I just got some new ligs. I went with red this time for the ligs and powerchain. Felt like something different.
Anyway, I finally got the courage to ask the ortho about progress. He says we are "at least halfway through". This is great news because it sounds like we are actually more than halfway which means we are ahead of schedule. I started this journey in 07/06, and had an estimate of 2.5 years.
So, I am feeling the pain now mainly in my canines, but I am grateful for knowing that things are moving. Maybe I am odd, but I sort of like the low level pain that usually hangs around as then I know progress is being made

Hope everyone else is doing well.