Hey there!
As my name tells i am absolutly newbee to braces.
After a long way to my decision i will have my B-Day on 19. Noveber.
In the last 2 months i red quite a lot about braces to made my decision. btw. this board is the most usefu source of informations i have found.
But there is still on question i am not sure about. Is there a huge difference of your "flossing needs" with and without braces?
I am asking this because it looks like i am one of the lucky minority without cavity problems. I now 25 years old and have not any cavity - i had brushed my teeth for about 6 years not even daily - just when my gum has become itchy. because of mouth smell and Tartar i started to brush at least once a day some times twice - and since seriously considering about braces start change my habbits to twice a day (i will not get problems). I my whoe life i had flossed my incisors for about 4 times - just to try how it feels like and never used a mouth rinse or something else. i love sweets, drink a ot of coke for quick energie and snack as i like.
And i go once every 1 to 2 years to the dentist for a chaeck an professional cleaning - last time she asked me if i floss regulary - and i sed nope i brush not even twice a day - and she sad i must be one of those lucky without cavity problems. But when i brush my teeth i do i seriously, takes me about 5 minutes without braces... - and thats all untill now what i did for my oral helth.
And for me, except the malocclusion they look pretty healthy
Thanks for sharing your expirience!
how important is flossing?
Moderator: bbsadmin
Hey KK
I still have all 4 of my whisdonteeth - 2 half impacted and the upper reay far behind and some other shady, hard to reach spots on my lower und upper arch - takes some extra time to prevent Inflammations. And i do it with hardly any pressure but longer and i am accustomed to do meanwhile something else e.g. collect tableware, read something, watch tv, cleaning a bit up my mess and so on.Another question ... why does it take you so long to brush you teeth ... especially while they're naked?
Because i am "Mr. caution" i started to seriousy considerng about the almost lifetime rejected braces and cahnge my oral hygiene. I should know it best - because my father went throgh the allmost same story as you, he even lost a tooth.It's up to you how you care for your teeth, but hopefully your ortho will help you develop a better hygiene routine, so that that bite orthodontics can help you achieve