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Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:10 pm
by lilfoot1112
Hi I'm kinda new here i've made a couple of post and the reply are great. TY to all :P . I'm do to get my braces on 12/11/2007 upper and lowers. And I was wonedering if any one tryed to talk them out of getting braces? My husband is very supportive and has given me the extra push to go for it :jump: , There are others in my :crazy: family by the like of Mom and sis and bro are trying to talk me out of it. Has any one had the same problem or something like it :?:
Ty Michelle


Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:31 pm
by lilfoot1112
Meryaten wrote:There are definitely folks here who've had that issue with various family members. Don't let it deter you - if you feel this is the right thing to do for you, then do it!
No worry promise I can't wait for the day I'm braces I've waiting 16 years to do this and very happy :P :D

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:37 pm
by browneyedgrl
I totally hear where you're coming from. I'm getting braced for the second time in January and I haven't told any of my family members. I feel as though that they would think I'm wasting my money. For the mostpart cosmetically my teeth look fine, but in my case it's all about function.

I totally have mixed feelings, but I'm extremely comfortable with my orthodontist and totally trust him. He came highly recommended.

You need to do for you and do not worry what anyone else thinks.

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:19 pm
by iBorg
I doubt if anyone can be more cruel to us than our family. My wife supported my brace decision readily. When I broached the subject her reply was a quick, "If it can help, do it." I had suffered TMJ issues for several years and had been ashamed of my teeth. My Mum couldn't understand why I needed braces a second time. My sister's comment was, "Why would you do that?"

The answer was to make me healthier. To help my self image. Braces are a very private thing. Unless you're in pain, either physically or emotionally, and others have to deal with you in pain, no one else is going to benefit.

With that being said, if you're paying for this, what business is it of your extended family if you decide to do this? Their support would be nice (I think mine either accept or ignore) but its not necessary to have a successful treatment.

I can honestly say that braces were a scary and uncertain thing for me. I would recommend anyone with the issues I HAD, to consider them. I'm happily wired.


Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:59 am
by muppet

My family have all been supportive. I was not going to tell anyone until the braces were on, but after having four extractions it was pretty hard to hide the fact that the teeth were missing so I had to come clean :D (it did not help that my sis came to stay for a few days and wanted to take us all out for a meal the day after my extractions so I then had to explain why I could not eat)

Everyone knows how much I hate my teeth as I will not allow photo's of myself to be taken and have always laughed or smiled behind my hand. The response has been if it makes you feel better about about yourself then go for it! :D Ironically now the brace is on I no longer hind behind my hand as I am not ashamed about the brace as I see it as a proactive thing. If others dont like my metal gap smile then dont look! :lol:

Don't listen to others anyway its your choice and you will do it for reason that are important to you

Good luck and be happy

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:43 am
by iBorg
Everyone knows how much I hate my teeth as I will not allow photo's of myself to be taken and have always laughed or smiled behind my hand. The response has been if it makes you feel better about about yourself then go for it! Very Happy Ironically now the brace is on I no longer hind behind my hand as I am not ashamed about the brace as I see it as a proactive thing. If others dont like my metal gap smile then dont look! Laughing

Don't listen to others anyway its your choice and you will do it for reason that are important to you
I have to agree with everything Muppet said. Prior to braces I hid from cameras and tried to hid my less than attractive smile. Now I'm happy with my smile. I noticed a difference in this year's vacation pictures. Last year I was in about five of the 800 or so we took. This year I was in about a quarter of them, smiling and showing my teeth. They may not be perfect....yet, but they are a whole let better and I'm a lot happier.


Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:59 am
by Chloe1
My longtime boyfriend has been super supportive. He swears that I would have started losing teeth later if I didn't get them. The rest of my family has also been supportive (one uncle said what, I didn't know your teeth were crooked!) I have only had one "friend" who laughed at me and said I'd lived without braces for 44 years so why was I getting them now. She's pretty redneck though. :D

If anyone outside of the States wants to know what redneck is, let me know!!! :lol:

If your husband is 100% behind you don't let anyone else bother you!!! It's your decision!!! Go for it!

Re: Wonedering

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:44 am
by danish
lilfoot1112 wrote:Hi I'm kinda new here i've made a couple of post and the reply are great. TY to all :P . I'm do to get my braces on 12/11/2007 upper and lowers. And I was wonedering if any one tryed to talk them out of getting braces? My husband is very supportive and has given me the extra push to go for it :jump: , There are others in my :crazy: family by the like of Mom and sis and bro are trying to talk me out of it. Has any one had the same problem or something like it :?:
Ty Michelle

Some of my friends actually did try to talk me out of it. One thought that my crooked teeth were part of my charm (very convincing argument!!! Haha :lol: ) and another was of the opinion that a guy my age (36!!) shouldn't waste time and money on fixing a problem that should have been taken care of a long time ago. Hehe.

Anyway I decided not to listen to them because I know that I would keep feeling bad about my teeth if I didn't start treatment. So if you do have a problem and you tend to avoid smiling because your teeth are crooked, you shouldn't listen to people trying to talk you out of something that would contribute positively to your dental health and self esteem :BigTeethGrin:

Good luck!


Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:04 am
by Spanner
Hi Michelle,

So far I have only told my partner that I'm considering braces. He is 100% supportive as I knew he would be. I did mention it very briefly to someone at work who said "but there's nothing wrong with your teeth that a bottle of bleach won't cure" :shock: :shock: :shock:

I have no intention of telling my family because I'm almost certain that some of them won't approve and think it a waste of money. I will just let them find out the hard way, when I give them a big metal grin :wink: I can just picture their faces now.

You are doing this for you, your health and your self esteem, don't let anyone put you off or make you feel like you've made the wrong choice.

Good luck for the 12th :D


Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:22 pm
by joele
My husband was really supportive of getting braces, and I didn't tell anyone else in my family until after the braces were put on, because I knew that they would talk me out of it. Now they can't talk me out of it, the braces are already on!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:52 am
by mihaelici
My brother has been very supportive, regarding braces, regarding extractions, regarding everything this treatment implies.. my parents were a bit worried about the costs, and when I told them I would have 2 teeth extracted they were a bit shocked :shock:; however, they haven't tried to talk me out of it, and now they're being supportive and optimistic! Anyway, it was my own decision and I would have done it even if everyone else had disapproved! :HugeGrin:

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:48 am
by mottsrods
lilfoot..........Do it....period....don't worry about what anyone else has to say. If it will make you feel better, physically and emotionally, then that is all that matters.

I was scheduled to have my braces put on Nov. 27th. But a freak thing happened and one of my crowns came off. I had to go back to my dentist to get it put back on, and had to see his associate. He tried to talk me out of it. He wanted me to get crowns on 13 perfectly good teeth. And thus putting the money in his pocket and not the ortho. Big price difference between 13 crowns, @10K, and braces,after some wheeling and dealing with ortho, i'll pay about 1700$ total......But it didn't deter me, I get my braces on Dec. 18th.

In the words of the checked sportswear and shoe company................................JUST DO IT.!!!!!!

Good Luck.....All of us at AW are on 'your' side.


Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:29 pm
by JerryW
it's funny how people react, wife's idea to get them, but my mom and others say what are you crazy, you don't need braces...
they didn't try to talk me out of it other than saying it's a waste of money.

I'm glad that i got them.


Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:51 pm
by wiredgrin
Hello Lilfoot,

We miss you on the boards here I guess you are away? If you are still set up for B-day the 11th there is little time left and yet I liked your question about support. My partner arranged my very first consultation where I found out I could not get Invisalign and needed conventional braces and possibly habit appliances. Once that was confirmed at the second orthodontist the support seemed to waiver but I am trying to be considerate because tomorrow I will be transformed into a metal mouth for at least 2.5 years and she has to deal with that! Are you ready? Where are you? Safe I hope and preparing for tomorrow? You were smart to take your B-day off from work. I go after work as you recall. Lets do this!?:cry:

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:38 pm
by lilfoot1112
:HugeGrin: Hey were going to have are braces on for about the same time were we twin in a past life :-9 I'm more then ready to be wired up kinda feel like a kid in a candy shop lol :mrgreen:. Just remember ONE huge thing you not a alone on this we are both going to be tranformed tomorrow and also jendz is to I hope I got that right :D. Remember we got are buddy system. :P And we got awesome support on here at :banana: (archwired) :banana: