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questions on debanding

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:14 am
by dcbraces
My ortho told me that i would be debanded this week at last my appt without taking any x rays. Is that normal?

Also, i personally don't think i am ready to be debanded as i have two rather large gaps (one on ea side) behind the canines (top). When I raised this my ortho said it was due to my tooth shape but i've been looking at other people pics and i think the gaps should be closed. Gaps are about 4 mm

Normally, i would just do what the dr ordered but i am beginning to think my ortho wants to highlight me in his marketing materials. he said i am his "fastest" case ever (11 months). am i being paranoid?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:07 am
by Ariesinatl
I would stand by your belief and instincts. They rarely prove wrong. If you think the gaps should be closed, tell him this again. After all they're your teeth and you'll have to live with them. Not him.

I hate to say it, but if he doesn't give a good reason and you don't feel confident, insist on having something done to have the gaps closed.

You are the customer afterall.

And I don't think you're paranoid, more likely highly observant

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:50 am
by Regina Rose
I had upper 1st bicuspid extractions in August of 2006 and my ortho is still working to close the gap on the left side. We're almost there (it's been slow but steady progress) but I'm guessing it will still take him another month or two before that part of my treatment is complete.

Gaps of 4 mm are, IMO, huge and would be completely unacceptable to me. My own dentist, who got his orthodontic treatment in dental school, refused to wear his braces long enough to finish closing his extraction gaps (he was getting married and wanted them off early) and has told me he is now self-conscious about those gaps.

What has your ortho done to try and close them? I have relatively stubborn, slow moving teeth but the coiled springs I've been wearing have been quite effective.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:44 am
by dcbraces
my ortho hasn't done anything to try and close them beyond the normal archwires. the teeth are nicely aligned but the gap is significan and noticible (from the side) but def visible.

I will say something to him. He's not the best listener but I don't want the braces coming off early just to get them off. I do want the teeth to be in the best shape possible when debraced since I am sure they will move (if even slightly) after.

thanks for the bucking up. you're right. i have to be my own advocate.