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When seeing people should I bring up the subject? New braces

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:52 am
by JerryW
I'm proud of my new braces, is that weird?

Anyway, when meeting up with casual acquaintances should I mention my braces, they do notice but don't say anything.

With close friends I do bring up the subject.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 3:15 pm
by lionfish
It's your call, Jerry, whatever you feel comfortable with.

I never discussed my braces (only the bottoms were visible), left it to people to inquire/comment, or not as the case might be. Where people did comment, most only did so once.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:01 pm
by Betty Bat
I brought it up first to a lot of my friends - many of them didn't even notice my braces until I mentioned it! And, I brought it up because I thought it was interesting - usually when someone asked me what was new or how I was or what I had been doing. Well, that was what was new and what I had been doing.

But, I almost never brought it up with people I didn't know very well.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:03 am
by Lisa65
I told my work colleagues I was getting braces beforehand, but I don't talk about it now with them unless they ask how the treatment is going.

With friends and aquaintances I don't really talk about it unless they ask. I don't want to bore people with the details of my teeth. The only place I speak freely about it is here.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:28 pm
by iBorg
I view braces as a personal thing. Do you discuss a stubbed toe with someone you don't know? If I meet somoene else with braces it often gives a common ground that we can talk about. With that said I only have one or two people I can really talk to about braces. That's one of the reasons I really like this group. I may not know you if I were to see you, but I know you from the list.


Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:03 pm
by Miss Smiley
My close friends are the only ones who brought up my braces. One saying "Those look like they hurt, I remember when I had mine." And another saying "I am so glad I don't have braces anymore, I had a stupid expander and turning the key every night was a chore." Then one random girl in an elevator "Oh you have braces too! ME too!!!!!!! My ortho wouldn't let me get clear on the bottom like yours." Hahaha varied reactions.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:36 pm
by Andantae
Most comments I have recieved were from friends---all very supportive. Stangers almost never mention them.

The only negative comment happened at a bonfire party at a friend of ours this past fall. The host immediatley noticed my new tinsel mouth and after a few initial comments then asked me, "Don't people usually get those when they're younger?" I just looked at him and replied, "Yes, that's why I didn't want to put it off any longer." Hee Hee (I'm 47) Served him right!

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:40 pm
by iBorg
Andantae I love that reply. The only thing that might have been better was to say, ".....

Nah never mine, great reply!


Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:12 pm
by Andantae
Thanks, iBorg :wink: (what does iBorg mean?) I actually like this friend, but he's the kind of guy who likes to pull your chain a little, ya know? Feel free to supply me with all the good comebacks you can think of!


I see you are from West Virginia. I just adopted a rescue horse off the track from Thistle Downs in West Virginia last week. It's near New Cumberland, I think. He just arrived yesterday and is adapting to our snow & cold very nicely. Brrrrr! It's exactly zero degrees at the moment!

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:34 pm
by iBorg
Where's the name iBorg from?

I'm a Mac user and everything Mac related seems to be named iSomething.



Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:23 pm
by Pepper
Well, I pretty much never talk about my braces or teeth unless someone inquires about them or starts to talk about braces and/or teeth in a general way. I'll contribute to the conversation and answer questions, but I never bring it up. I just don't really see why I would need or want to, but really, it's up to you. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:26 pm
by LateStarter
I don't think it's weird at all, I think it's great :)

As for myself, I'm getting my braces next week but I'm pretty sure I won't bring it up with work colleagues unless I'm asked about them, just because I know they wouldn't be particularly interested, and they're really just acquaintances anyway, and not people I'd feel comfortable sharing the details with.

I may bring it up every now and then with my friends if they ask how I am, but I've made a conscious decision not to talk about it again with a certain friend of mine, at least until after I get them, because I'm sure I must have bored him to tears with my constant worrying and speculating over it for the last few weeks! He's been lovely, though, and hasn't complained once, so all the more reason to give him a bit of a break :)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:27 pm
by adultbraces
I instatly feel bonded with other who with braces. Yesterday after getting my spacers I stopped by bank and this teller had her braces on and appeared to have some over bite. I went and asked her if she's having it over overbite and she spilled detailed of relapse and 2nd brace of hers..and her next lower braces comes next week. We talked like two sister for couple of mins about our braces..
But if anyone else come and asked me about brace who never had one before I'll feel reluctant to talk about them b/c they usually make me feel like a rich brat getting an expensive treament for cosmetic reasons.. :oops:

Re: When seeing people should I bring up the subject? New br

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:38 pm
by bracesafter40
I'm proud of my new braces, is that weird?

Anyway, when meeting up with casual acquaintances should I mention my braces, they do notice but don't say anything.

With close friends I do bring up the subject.
Invariably it comes up anyways...Yes they do notice, but some are dont want to say anything as they thing your subconscious of it. I meet three groups of people a few times a year and they dont bring it up as I'm in a group setting.

But if they ever do I am willing to chat about it. Just bring it up casually when you talk about what to eat, etc. Or if you see that someone has really straight teeth ask if they ever had braces; most people have.

B-day less than 24 hours, be proud?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:41 pm
by wiredgrin
I am so glad you are proud of your metal mouth I wish I had your aplomb! Starting tomorrow about this time would be nice!

Are we supposed to just ignore the fact that this is a big deal for us? Well heck no! Listen, this is a major change in your appearance, and it can be quite uncomfortable. You are entitled to feel weird about it!
However, I still think you should consider this quote from an Archwired contributor: " tend to feel dorky or geeky with braces. Women tend to feel either unattractive or teenage-cute. Either way you slice it, it spells: Self-conscious! Some adults don't care what other people think. If that describes you, then you've cleared a major hurdle."
eager After years in denial and finding this site of thoughtful people I am trying to gear up for this journey as a learning experience in and of itself. Yes, I will be posting my First Day in Braces story, something I never thought I would be doing! But a more timley question will be whether I prove strong enough to “laugh it offâ€