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What's up with this ortho?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:12 pm
by briteny
About a month ago I went to see an ortho about braces. I have a tooth missing- the one immediately after my right canine and my midline is way off. Anyways, I get there and jump into the chair he has a look around my mouth with the mirror and the ruler and then he tells me I have crowding in the lower jaw that the reason my midline is off is not due to my top teeth but my lowers-ok surprise for me. then we move onto treatment options. I was caught up on the whole Damon thing so I told him I wanted Damons-he said no probs but that it probably wouldn't save me any treatment time (quote 12-15months). then he said i needed expanders and then elastics later on. All this is fine but he was really explaining things too fast for me he was talking about shaving teeth this and that-I couldn't keep up. then the other day i was thinking about something he said-he offered me invisaligns (well a type of invisaligns called 'clearstep') for the same price as the Damons and he was really pushing them on me (he works for the clearstep company duh!) but if i had said i wanted the clearsteps how would he have ever used the elastics he said I needed to align my teeth?
sorry this is so long-who thinks I need a 2nd opinion?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:28 pm
by JerryW
I would go for a few more consults, I went to four, and they were all free, they all included xrays and photos.
If he was going to fast ask him to slow down and expain, you're going to be wearing braces for a long time so make sure you take your time while deciding.
I went with the damon system.


Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:42 pm
by nogota
I would definitely go for another consult, or at least call back and talk to the ortho again about your concerns. This process is going to take a long time, so you shouldn't feel rushed at any point. Write down your concerns so you make sure you go over all of them with him, or at a different consult.

Good Luck!

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:28 am
by briteny
thanx guys.
i am going for one this saturday. the ortho took the time to email me and everything they seem like a really good clinic. i was a little to go too many consults because they're not cheap $150 (£75) and most do not do x-rays u've got to bring your own. i was lucky to come across this one who does do it as part of the consult.will keep u posted