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Hello everyone

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:55 am
by Lozzie83
Hi Everyone,
My name is Lauren and I finally got braces on Tuesday after years of hating my very very crooked teeth. I am 24 years old

Two weeks ago I had my wisdom teeth and two upper and two lower premolars out, and now I have a mouth full of metal.

It really really hurts!!! I'm feeling pretty down about the whole thing at the moment because it hurts so much especially when I try to bite down on anything and when I brush.

The other issue is that I have also tried flossing twice now and it is just so painful that I have given up without finishing the job. I really would like to keep my teeth nice and clean, but it's very hard right now!!

I'm looking for some reassurance that it is not always going to be this bad! Will I eventually be able to brush and floss without pain? Are there any alternatives?

I'm looking forward to having this forum for lots of support over the next two years... I think I am going to need it!!

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:26 am
by Dawna
Hi there, if my teeth are super super sore after an adjustment, I give myself a couple of days break from the flossing (if it hurts too much). I use my waterpik especially well, and just go back to flossing once my teeth are better. I NEVER skip more than 2 days though, but sometimes I just need to treat myself a bit more tenderly for a couple of days!

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:43 am
by dubnobass
It's OK - planet earth will continue to rotate on its axis, and life will go on even if you don't floss.

My teeth were incredibly overcrowded and extremely sore when I was first braced, to the point where I wasn't able to chew for the first 3 months. As for flossing, forget it, there was just no way - there was no room, and it was far too painful. I wasn't prepared to chomp down painkillers every day for months on end, so just lived with the pain, and resumed chewing once the pain had let up a bit.

I clean my teeth well, I use little interdental brushes, but rarely floss. My dentist and hygeinist think I am doing OK with this regime. When I am told by these professionals that I *need* to floss , because I'm not keeping my teeth clean enough, I will do so.

Try, if you can, but if it hurts too much to floss, don't make yourself miserable by forcing it.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:54 am
by mihaelici
Don't worry, it gets better in time! Really! :)

The only time it's painfull for me it's after adjustments, otherwise everything goes smoothly.. I use a soft toothbrush and an interdental one as well, for brushing, and I floss as well. I quit biting on anything, I eat everything with fork and knife :D

So just stay positive, as KK said! :D Good luck!! :-1

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:50 am
by lilblackdress
Sorry to hear things are kind of rough for you right now. Extractions and braces can be a lot to handle. Hopefully, things will improve soon.
The other issue is that I have also tried flossing twice now and it is just so painful that I have given up without finishing the job.
I had this exact problem when I first got braced. I wanted to floss between all of my teeth, but it was just too painful (and time consuming). I decided to floss between more teeth each time I flossed. So, in the beginning, I could only floss between my incisors. Next, I added my bicuspids, and then I added molars. It took a while, but I figured it was better than not flossing at all.

Also, you need to chew even though it's painful. The more you chew, the less it hurts the next time you chew. If you have to, take some Advil or Tylenol and time it so that it kicks in around the time you eat - that way it's not as painful to eat.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:57 am
by Chloe1
Oh gracious!!! You poor thing! Believe me all of us went through some rough days. The first 10 days for me were the worst. One day I wanted to go home sick from work because my whole head felt like it was on fire, mostly from my torn up cheeks. :( And this was after about 8 Advil!!!! I lost a couple of pounds and felt pretty much horrible for about a week. Was wondering why I did it.

But now it's awesome!!!!! Hang in there and you will soon see a difference. And the pain will go away. I just got my first new wire two days ago and I'm a little tender but I can eat. Just know you are not alone and it will be better!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 11:18 am
by JerryW
Hang in there, you'll get used to the braces soon in the meantime think about how beautiful your smile will be someday.

I guess I'm lucky as I don't get pain but I sure can't stand cleaning after eating.

Good luck and keep on this forum, it helps alot knowing that there is a bunch of us out here 8)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:22 pm
by Lozzie83
Thanks for all of the replies everyone. It's good to hear that I am not the only one who has had pain like this (I knew I wouldn't be) and that it does get better.

Like you Dubnobass, I have very bad overcrowding, I thought this might be what is causing so much pain. It's also good to hear that the world wont explode and all of my teeth wont fall out if I don't floss for a few days (or a week). I will keep trying, I might even use the suggestion of slowly building up to doing them all.

If I am still having issues by the time I see my ortho in the week after next I will discuss this with him.

I am brushing really throughouly (I think) so hopefully it will be enough until things settle down a bit.

I'm looking forward to being able to chew more on my back teeth, and will try to do so... but at the moment it just makes me want to rip the braces off!

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:26 pm
by HotWired22
Lozzie you are very far from alone. I got mine Wed. and am feeling the same pain. Teeth feel like they've been moving or shifting or something. I feel a good amount of pressure and my bite feels wierd. My back teeth are almost not touching anymore :shock: Now that I think about it...I hope that's a good thing LOL.

Brushing sucks, yes. So does flossing (I tried so hard to floss last night the floss came out red from blood eeekk) so I may lay off that for a little bit. And eating, oh boy! I never thought I'd see a day that I couldnt scarf down a whole plate of food but instead have to take little baby bites and after an hour be done. :(

It's challenging but think of it as that...a challenge! And from what people say it'll get better and then in about 2 years we can give the same advice to the newbies like us because we'll be the experts! :wink:

Good luck, take it easy for a few days and report back.

I'm 26 so we're pretty close in age and brace age lol so here's to hoping our 20something teeth move quickly!

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:17 pm
by *Denise*
Image :-1