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Changing metal to ceramic

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:20 pm
by Chris1960
I have metal brackets on the lowers ( 4 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours -- but who's counting) that reflect light like diamonds. That's not a good thing. I'm afraid that if I open my mouth outdoors the reflected light may blind a pilot and bring down an airliner. So I'm going to ask (then demand?) my ortho to switch them to ceramics.
1st question: Am I nuts?
2nd question: What's the cost in that? Is it the brackets themselves that are the big ticket item or the labor. Am I looking a few hundred dollars or a $1000?
Oh and 3rd question: Don't they ever have to reposition the brackets? It seems that they can't possibly get them lined right the first time.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:53 pm
by SDFD TSchott
1. Yes your nuts... j/k everyone has there opinions about things.

2. Ceramic brackets if I remember right are more labor intensive... especially when it comes to time to remove the braces they take a bit more to remove them. I think that ceramic in my case at my orthodontist office was about another $985 dollars from the price of metal braces so I stuck with the everyday regular braces since it was cheaper. As for a blinding a pilot and bringing down an airliner that is "IMPOSSIBLE"

3. Some times they reposition a bracket or brackets but they pretty much keep them in one spot and work with it that way.


Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:57 pm
by Lisa65
Are you nuts? yes :lol: I have top and bottom metals, and I haven't caused any accidents yet. They really are far more obvious to you than anyone else, but if it bothers you then it bothers you.
Ceramics do cost more, but the cost of removal of the metals and replacing with ceramic will be up to your ortho. Additionally not all orthos will use ceramics on the lower teeth. If you have a deep bite you can chip your top teeth on ceramic brackets as they are very hard.

Re: Changing metal to ceramic

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:06 pm
by browneyedgrl
Hi Chris,

The first question I would ask is if your ortho will even place ceramic brackets on the lower teeth. I know that mine doesn't.

1st question: Am I nuts? I think so since the lowers are hard to see anyway.

2nd question: What's the cost in that? Is it the brackets themselves that are the big ticket item or the labor. Am I looking a few hundred dollars or a $1000? I don't know the cost, but the original brackets need to be removed and the teeth need to be prepped again, it's all about chair time.

Oh and 3rd question: Don't they ever have to reposition the brackets? It seems that they can't possibly get them lined right the first time.
It all depends. I wore braces 25 plus years ago and I didn't need to have my brackets repositioned, but everything is done on a case by case basis. It all depends on what the ortho is trying to accomplish.

Good luck.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:46 pm
by Chris1960
The funny thing is that when I talk you see my lower teeth not my top. So I'm backwards. I prolly could go with metal on the tops and never notice it.

At least I have a ball park figure of how much it will cost now. Silly me I actually assumed that the brackets were going to be ceramic to begin with because I thought my ortho understood I wanted the most non-noticeable method possible. I didn't do any research before I decided to get braces. Now I'm learning everything.

The first question was a trick question. I know I'm nuts. :jokerlaugh:

BTW. Maybe I'm just a whiner but I'm still not used to having these things in my mouth. Do you ever get so that they just feel like a part of your mouth that's supposed to be there? I don't notice the braces on the other teeth but my 4 front ones seem to always be under pressure. Funny thing is I don't know where they are supposed to be moving to because there's no room for them. My canines and front bicuspids need to be moved into the gap created by extractions to make room for the incisors.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:52 pm
by SDFD TSchott
KK wrote:
Tim ...
Ceramic brackets if I remember right are more labor intensive... especially when it comes to time to remove the braces they take a bit more to remove them.
... this is inaccurate and marketing b/s! Many (if not all) orthodontists offer one or more types of ceramic brackets ... they would not do this if they were more labour intensive, there's no logic to that idea!

I've had ceramic brackets removed and with the correct equipment they pop off as quickly as stainless ones do!
Wow then my ortho must be in a marketing bs cause that's what they told me on day one... That is the reason I went with regular metal braces but if I knew that was all bs then things may of been different for me.


Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:14 pm
by Chris1960
KK wrote:Chris some people ... particularly males, do show their bottom teeth more than their top. If you watch news readers and people doing interviews, it's interesting to see which teeth show more. :thumbsup:
Wow! That's the best news I've heard all day. I've always thought I was just weird. That was worth the price of admission to find out. :-#)
You will get used to your brackets ... no matter what type they are! :jump: I don't remember exactly when this happened ... but it was after a few months I realised I was going for longer and longer periods without remembering I had braces. I mainly remember them when I'm eating ... but not always! I sit at one of my computers at home or work, and go through this forum, and never think of my braces, unless I post something in my blog, or about my journey. Strange but true!

Talk to your ortho and hopefully you'll know where you're heading! Take care! :banana:

Months! :cry:

I guess it will be worth it to at least ask my ortho about the ceramics.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:26 pm
by LateStarter
I don't think you're nuts, Chris. If you're really unhappy with your braces, it's worth talking to your ortho to see what they can do. As others have said, your ortho might not be willing to put ceramic brackets on the bottom (mine doesn't).

I'm not particularly happy with my braces (I have ice brackets on top), and I was considering asking to go all metal! But, even though I'm not particularly fond of them at the moment, I'm sure I'll get used to them, just as you'll get used to yours. Try not to fret! :)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:46 pm
by Chris1960
My first "adjustment" will be next week. I guess we'll see how I feel then. I wake up every morning hoping I won't feel them. I guess it's getting better.

I think I would be happier with the ceramics though so I am going to have to push the issue.

I should write down all my questions for the ortho before I go in.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:49 pm
by Lala7603
i guess ill put in my 2 cents here. i have had ceramics and metals. i had ceramics with lower metals my first time in braces and now have all metals(my 2nd time in braces)

i liked my ceramics....but i also like my metals right now. i NEEDED to have the ceramics the first time to make me comfortable. but after a little while i really didnt care anymore. you can see the ceramics and you can see the metals....end of story for me.

i personally find that the metals are more comfortable. to back this up....i have an example. i had tons of canker sores with my ceramics because i was always seeming to cut myself of my brackets. i have only had one canker sore so far this time around and it was due to a poking wire.

also, it hurt to get my ceramics removed. this doesn't happen to everyone but it happened to me.

Do what will be comfortable for you. you are the one living with the you need to make the decision based on what is right for you. Oh and based on some of your ortho's opinions. if the ortho doesnt want to do ceramics...then it would more than likely be in your best interests to stay with what you have...but thats just my opinion.


Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:56 pm
by Chris1960
Thanks for the 2 cents LALA. It gives me more to consider and maybe I'll make a more informed decision this time. :thumbsup:

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:15 am
by Chloe1
I really wish I could have had all ceramics (I have ceramic uppers and metal lowers) but my ortho didn't offer it up front (I don't care about the extra cost) but I found out later that lower ceramics can destroy your upper teeth if you hit and I do hit on my lowers from time to time and I really hit in the first week. Gees, I wouldn't want to spend all this time and money and destroy my teeth so I'm okay with what I have. :lol:

I agree with Lala, in the end you can see both so who cares? I prefer to concentrate on the movement of my teeth day to day!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:34 pm
by Miss Smiley
I have all clear, top and bottoms, and love them! After having them for 8 months, my co-worker said "Oh, you got your braces removed!" Then I said "no, they're still here, just clear still!" Then she went to say how clear and unnoticeable they were. Made me feel better about picking ceramics versus metal. That's just how I feel about it!

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:04 pm
by braceface1969
I would keep the metal ones.I have metal and am not self conscious anymore about them.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:16 am
by gwynneth23
I have braces on my upper teeth only, and the brackets are mainly ceramic (metal ones at the back).

They are less visible of course, and I'm sure I would feel a 'bit' more self-conscious if they were metal. But to be honest I don't think it's a big deal either way.

One thing you might want to bear in mind is that I'm sure I read somewhere on this site, that ceramic brackets tend to be more bulky and rougher than the metal ones. (Can anyone confirm if that's true?). So you might find that the ceramic brackets are more noticeable in your mouth, and rub more against the inside of your gum. That might be an issue for you, if you've found it hard to get used to wearing a brace. If you do discuss it with your ortho, then you might want to ask him/her to actually show you the brackets and how they compare for size.

It may be a case of weighing up comfort vs appearance (and cost)!