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Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:52 am
by jinxed
just come back from the orthodontist with 4 springs in my mouth, 2 each side up and down. he didn't mention anything about them or what they're supposed to be doing and i didn't even realise until i'd left and looked in the mirror. anybody know what they're for? :S

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:17 am
by Lisa65
Are the springs on the archwire? Where?

Generally springs are used either to open gaps to make room for a tooth, or to pull gaps closed.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:09 am
by kaycee
I had four springs for seven months. They were attached to the hooks on my brackets and ran parallel to the archwire. For me, they were used to close extraction gaps and boy did they rub against the inside of my mouth! It was impossible to keep them waxed, the wax would just fall out. They also snagged alot of food - lol.

My orthodontist called them coils, they were titanium and he said they could go on pulling for a long time.

They were successful in closing three of my four gaps. My ortho is hoping that the closing wires I am now wearing will help that fourth gap along.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:34 pm
by KK Cat
kaycee wrote:I had four springs for seven months. They were attached to the hooks on my brackets and ran parallel to the archwire. For me, they were used to close extraction gaps and boy did they rub against the inside of my mouth! It was impossible to keep them waxed, the wax would just fall out. They also snagged alot of food - lol.

Sounds like great fun :wink: I can't wait!

I should be sporting 2 springs right now. Ortho was about to put them in on my 3 Dec adjustment, and I just commented would I have 'fun' with those as I was off on holiday the next morning, but when he heard that coupled with the fact that Christmas would be so near when I return, he decided to wait until my next visit. So I will be getting springs now on Jan 23 to help close my upper extraction gaps.

In a way I wish I had got them as I am in a bit of a holding pattern now, but I know it is better than getting them and then being in possible misery thousands of miles away from Orthos office, anyway after waiting decades to sort my teeth another few weeks isn't going to make much difference.