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Braces Tomorrow

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:31 pm
by Ximpostrxx
Hey all, my name is Faith and I'm 17 and I'm getting braces tomorrow, I got spacers on the 31st of December. That was the most awful experience so far, they were just so painful for me and my mouth was just so sore... But anyways... Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on things I should do in preparation, or afterwards? And how did everyone else's visits to the orthodontist go when they had their braces put on? You know just any "words of wisdom" you can offer me are so very welcome.

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:49 pm
by SinOnYourLips
I say cruise around and read about other people's first day. And also the articles for the newbies. It explains everything about braces.

It was different for everyone, but my own experience wasn't bad at all. Just don't overthink it, relax and follow directions as you go through the process. Some parts might be slightly unpleasent and weird, but you get through it, we all do. :)

The more important part of this I'd say, is the reaction right after.
As soon as you feel them on your teeth and you walk our of the ortho's office thoughts like "What did I just do this for?" and "I want them off right now!" are completely normal, so just remain calm and remind yourself again that after this is over, you will have a perfect smile and a happier, prettier YOU. It's quiet a shock the first day, but I promise in a week or two, it gets SO much better, and soon you won't even feel them inside your mouth anymore.

Good luck and let us know how it goes tomorrow. :D

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:54 pm
by HIMgurl
Yay! I'm exicted for you! Definitely read others posts and the basic post for newbies on archwired.

Best of luck tomorrow!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:02 pm
by SDFD TSchott
Before your b-day ...
* warm salt water rinses once a day – a pinch of salt in a small amount of warm water
* setup your travel dental cleaning kit, or buy a dentakit from this site
* stock up on consumables ... wax, mouthwash, interdental brushes, stiff ended floss etc
* never forget why you're doing this
* keep a positive attitude

On your b-day ...
* go to the toilet
* cover your lips with balm
* keep positive

After your b-day ...
* continue the daily salt rinses
* wax to prevent sores
* keep your body well hydrated
* chew to increase blood flow in your gums
* make sure your oral hygiene is A1
* be confident with your decision
* remember ... braces do not prevent us from doing anything, only we can do that!
* stay positive!

Here's to your journey being a great one! Image

Bananas In Pajamas :)

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:55 am
by newmetal
Good luck for your brace day. As others have suggested, there are heaps of stories about forumers brace experience so im sure you will gain lots of insight into the feelings/practise that occur on your brace day.SDFD TSchott has pretty much covered the prepartion steps you can take to prepare yourself.

Once again, Good luck.

Let us know how it goes.


Ximpostrxx gets braces!

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:33 am
by wiredgrin
Welcome Faith to the forum,

I bet you are glad to have your spacers out, I know I was! I will need to go back in and have 7 put in due to setback in my treatment but if you ask ahead of time maybe you can avoid that? I will have another month before I go in for what you are doing on a Saturday no less? Please make sure you ask all the questions that you have right up front too. You will want to be super comfortable right before they tilt you back in the chair and get you started but it looks like other posters have got you prepped for that. Once that happens it is pretty much down hill from there because they do this so much I hope they dont forget this is a new experience for you. :P :D LEt us know how it goes and maybe you can even provide some feedback for the rest of us who still have a b-day coming up? Thanks! Hope I am not too late with this info too.