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How soon before I can floss?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:10 am
by Twinkletoes
Hello. Can I ask how long it took for you to be able to begin flossing again after your braces had been fitted. Mine were put on on Monday and, although I've tried several times, I haven't been able to floss yet, mainly due to the intense pain and that my lower teeth seem closer together with the braces on. I've bought the Oral B Superfloss and in theory I think this will work, once I've overcome the pain. I've read that the pain goes after about a week - can I ask what your experiences have been? Thanks! :D

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:42 am
by lionfish
I started flossing on day one (have been a regular flosser from way back when).

I understand that it may be painful for you at the moment, because it was the same for me in the first couple of days. I'd start to sway when flossing in front of the mirror, so I sat down to do it and that was much better.

I also used Oral B Superfloss, found it worked well.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:39 am
by muppet

I found flossing extremely painfull not to mention difficult for the first few days.

I used Oral B satin tape to begin with, it is flat and very smooth so easy to slide into the smallest of gaps although very fiddly to get under the brace. I changed to Oral B superfloss once the pain eased (my bottom teeth were very overcrowded and I could not get normal floss between them before the brace went on)

Some days I still find some teeth too tender to floss so I just miss them out for that day and floss them when they are less painfull.

Flossing with a brace is an artform :lol:

Good Luck with the floss and hope your pain starts to ease soon!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:39 am
by newguy
i also started on day 1.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:53 am
by Lisa65
I dont usually floss for a day or two after an adjustment. It's just too uncomfortable.

I wouldn't recommend Superfloss to begin with. It's quite thick and if your teeth hurt, you'll have a heck of a job using it. I used Crest Glide floss with a floss threader in the early days. It's very thin (like ribbon) and also waxed so it slides easily into small gaps.

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:49 pm
by Lozzie83
I tried flossing the a few times in the first few days and it brought tears to my eyes! But after about a week I was flossing with no problems. I use superfloss and find it really good.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:00 am
by Twinkletoes
Thanks for your replies everyone! I tried again last night and I managed to do most of my top teeth reasonably OK, but the bottom ones are another story. My front six lowers are very crowded (hence treatment) and one actually sits diagonally, although I had just managed to start flossing them before the braces. I agree with Lisa that the Superfloss is very difficult at the moment, although I've bought 3 packets :( I was wondering whether to try the satin tape - does anyone know if you can buy floss threaders in Boots? Thanks.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:52 am
by browneyedgrl
I got my braces yesterday and I did floss last night. It was extremely time consuming, I had a very hard time getting the floss/threader into the back teeth. I'm sure that it will get easier in no time.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:50 am
by Twinkletoes
Thanks Browneyedgrl. I thought I might try a floss threader, but I haven't seen them in Boots. Trouble is my bottom teeth are so crowded and I could just about get normal floss between them, but now with the braces on they feel SO tight and the floss won't go between them. Hopefully this will improve shortly, but I do worry that I can't floss them at the moment! Any more help would be appreciated. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:12 am
by muppet
I found the superfloss too thick for the bottom teeth at first so used the satin tape. I did not have a floss threader I just passed the tape under the wire then flossed. It is time consuming but I found that the natural curve the tape had due to being on a roll in the packet helped to slip it under the wire for each tooth.

I still use the satin tape in the same way and have never tried a threader. I found that aftera few attempts it is quite easy to thread floss under the wire

(1st floss took about 15 minutes :lol: I am now done to a record time of 2-3 minutes for a good floss :wink:

Good luck it is easy once you get used to it.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:54 am
by Twinkletoes
Thanks Muppet! Does anyone else find Satin tape better than the Satin floss? Just want to buy the best one for the job! My lower teeth are extremely crowed at the moment.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:50 am
by browneyedgrl
I found that satin tape was too thick before I had braces and I happen to like crest glide. I used it without a threader for the mostpart, but when I needed to get inbetween the 2nd bi-cuspid and molar, I needed to use the threader.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:01 pm
by Lisa65
Twinkle, I've never seen floss threaders sold in any shops in the UK. I bought mine online at

It's £1.20 for a pack of 5, but each threader lasts me literally weeks. I just rinse it after use and leave it to air dry till next time I want it. The threader doesn't go between my teeth anyway. I just thread it up under the archwire and then "ping" the floss down into the gap.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:45 pm
by Twinkletoes
Thanks to everyone for their help. I've bought some Oral B Satin Tape today and I have to say I found it a success! It was easy to thread through my braces and I managed to get in between my two tightest teeth. Obviously the pain is easing a bit now, so this helped, but I definitely found the Satin Tape the best thing to use so far. Thanks for your suggestions and I can highly recommend the Satin Tape to anyone else having problems like mine with flossing. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:34 pm
by mariahfromchicago
2 days later was when I began flossing.
but I quit flossing like my best friend! <-- She never flossed.
I use a water jet thingy!

mariah did not keep her promise!!!!!!!!! <-- please shut her up somehow! :lol: gosh she's really stupid!! Well it's true. No! Just Kidding!!

PS: don't mean to threadjack, but I felt kinda stupid in the last post!!!
Oh well I feel like an idiot, or is it true? :oops: Nah! I get good marks in school, I just don't get easy concepts, just confusing ones.

Gosh!!! I am an idiot!! :lol: I such a fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- mariah (is a complete idiot and really embarassed and maybe wants to die right now, R.I.P. mariah????)