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new to braces

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:51 pm
by jennamac
hey everyone, so I have had my braces on for 5 days and this site is really helping. I think the worst part so far is that i feel soo ugly and my self-esteem has gone way down. I am 22 and have always been into my looks, one of the main reasons why i am getting braces in the first place, had to ask my dentist to refer me because my front teeth were crossing, eveyone thought i was nuts until i had my consult and he said that it was a must because my allignment is off. Long story short I am to have braces for 18-24 months and surgery in 12months. As soon as i got them on I wanted them off. I am embrassed to eat around people, which means that when I am at university(everyday) i wait until i get home to eat because I dont want to run into someone I know when I have food in my teeth. I think i am going to start to loss alot of weight!! OK so how did you all get over feeling horrible about the way you look, does it go away. The worst part is that I go to school away from home and haven't seen my boyfriend yet, I am worried he will think i look as horrible as I do. Help!!

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:35 pm
by Kaluna
Jennamac, I got my braces put on the same day you did and I'm feeling a lot of the same things you are. I'm trying to have a very positive outlook on it and have fun with it. But there are times that I find myself holding back from smiling like I normally would because of the braces. I know I'll get over it, but it does feel a bit "off".

I found that the people who did notice my braces and commented on them were VERY supportive; in fact they noticed because they previously had braces themselves.

As far as eating around people I think you just get used to it. I'm starting to learn the foods that I don't want to eat out in public and those foods that are safe. And if you go brush right after you eat then there is no worry later on in the day of something being stuck in your teeth.

I'm with Meryaten on the topic of your boyfriend. He should be supportive of you getting braces and doing something to improve your health and looks. The braces are temporary but the results are permanent (if maintained), don't let him get you down for doing something GOOD for yourself.

And finally, congrats on getting braces! It will be worth it in the end and you will look great!!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:20 am
by 4113n
Whats this thread about >_> Braces are KOOL! x]

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:20 am
by Beckster

I agree with what others have said regarding eating in public, your bf, socializing, etc. When I got my braces put on for the second time, I was 24, and still in school. I found that people told me I looked cute, and that I looked a lot younger(ALWAYS a compliment for us gals!) I still went to restaurants with friends, bars (and boy do they card there when you have braces!), you name it! It was as if nothing had changed! And I'm sure your bf will be nothing but supportive to you, as well. So yea, if you ever need to talk to another student who had braces in college, feel free to send me a message! Good luck girl!


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:46 pm
by joney
Hi Jennamac

Don't worry you'll soon get used to your brace and forget it's there. I too felt self conscious about eating in front of others at first, especially in the first week as I couldn't bite together in a normal way. As Meryaten said, swish water around after eating and just brush your teeth afterwards, it's a bit of an inconvenience but you soon get used to it. It is pretty normal to feel a bit self conscious at first but after a while you'll just forget about them.

I'm sure your boyfriend doesn't date you because of your teeth so a brace shouldn't make any difference to your relationship at all.

Good luck in getting used to your brace and make sure you eat during the day, not worth going without for the sake of a couple of minutes brushing after eating.


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:53 pm
by jennamac
thanks everyone,

it helps alot to know that theres support out there. I know most of this is in my head, i guess i am still getting used to myself in braces but as the pain is going away I am starting to feel better about the whole situation! I guess when you first get them on it just feels like I will have them on forever....but i think the next two years will probally fly by! thanks again you all made me feel alot better!
