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Almost the end, but I'm worried about things

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:21 am
by Bluemoonjo
Things that might seem silly LOL

Last month I was told my braces would come off in March or April. YAYYYY!!

I want to whiten my teeth when they come off, and have some bonding done on two teeth.

But I'll also be getting my retainers....I can't afford to buy extra ones.
So I need to get the right ones the first time. ykwim

But if I have the bonding done ... it will need to match still after I whiten.
The bonding will length one tooth a bit.

If it takes a few weeks for the white strips to work ... then the bonding.
Wouldn't I need a different retainer?

Am I worring for no reason? Any ideas on how it will all work out?


Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:43 pm
by Bluemoonjo
well thats kinda part of the problem...

When I brought it up before.. the bonding, whiting, and maybe triming some gum ... he said it could all be done, knew/saw what I wanted and agreeed...said we'd talk about it when they came off.

My next appt is Feb 14, I'll press for better answers then.