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I was just wondering if I'm the only one who does this? At my second-last adjustment, I was feeling around with my tongue while the archwire was off and EWWWWWW, in between my teeth felt so gross! Yes, I brush at least 3 times a day, floss, etc etc etc but there are just some places I think you can't reach while braced. Anyway, at my last adjustment I asked if it would be ok to just brush my teeth quickly while my archwire was off and they said sure. It felt soooooooo good I cannot even describe it. Next time I'm bringing along my floss too
Anyway, I just wondered if anyone else does this, or if I'm just a weirdo LOL.
yep I've done it, flossed too. Now I"m in the last wires I'll have so no more removing them. I do think you do a better job without the archwire and I love the feel of being a "speed flosser" even if it was once in awhile.
SARPE 11/23/06
Expansion over 12/18/06 8.5mm
Brace day tops 1/15/07
Brace day bottoms 3/19/07
all expansion devices removed 9/19/07
I brush and floss at every visit as soon as they take the archwires out. Everyone there always seems a little surprised, so I don't think most of the kids there are so eager.
They always give me the opportunity to brush and floss after the archwires are removed. Before I got braces I rarely flossed but being able to floss without the wires being in is something that I actually look forward to now.
you are all so civilised! I'm always in such a state by the time I get in the chair that I am paralysed with fear and just let my ortho get on with it. It's only later, when I'm together, that I get cross with myself for being such a twit!
Next time - DEFINITELY!!
Absolutely. I LOVE brushing and flossing when the wire is out! My ortho's office is very big on oral hygiene. I almost always see them send at least one person to re-brush before they do the adjustment. They have single use toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, threaders and mouthwash available. They have told me more than once how much they appreciate the attention I put into keeping my mouth clean. They also started giving out gift cards to those who see their dentist every six months.