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Bite off after being braced?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:41 pm
by jgrrl22
I'm just curious... Before getting braced about 3 weeks ago, my bite was pretty near perfect. The top and bottom teeth lined up perfectly.

Last night as I was brushing & flossing, I looked in the mirror and happened to notice that my bite is SERIOUSLY off now! I was horrified and wondering... Is it normal for your bite to change THAT drastically in 3 weeks?

The "center" of my two bottom teeth lined up perfectly with the "center" of my top teeth before. Now the "center" of my two bottom front teeth are more in line with my right front tooth.

I'm freaking out a little... LOL I can post pictures tonight after work if that will make my question make more sense. I'm probably being overly worried for something normal, but I was just a little caught off guard.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:07 pm
by gabi
Your bite will change a lot over the course of having braces. Mine did the first time I had them and even more so this time. I have strange gaps in the front that weren't there before. Just be patient. Your teeth will move as they adjust to being on the wire.
Always ask your ortho questions. I finally got mine talking to me and I am finally at peace with having braces. You have probably seen the amazing things that orthos have done with people who have very interesting before pictures. Good Luck!

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:36 am
by Chypre
I find that my bite can change dramatically overnight. I can go to bed with everything perfectly comfortable then wake up in a state where my molars just don't feel like touching on one side.

What's worse is that there are weeks where my bite feels fine, but I bite the inside of my cheek or side of my tongue almost daily, then one day... nothing.

And don't worry about shifting midlines, my ortho moved things back and forth a couple of times before ending up where it is now.

I'm sure you're going to be fine! But as Gabi mentioned, don't hesitate to contact your doc. They're there to answer your questions. Good luck!