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Braces coming out soon,but still skeptical (added more pics)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:48 pm
by Qtgirl
The braces journey has been fun, and I even loved wearing these colored ligs..but the time is almost near. :D At my last adjusment, my ortho said "Youre almost done"...she said that all I need is one or two adjustments and Im finished. :shock: Great news, but now Im nitpicking to make sure everything is in its place. I sure dont want to be back in braces again after all the time and effort. :wink: I dont think that Im ready to be "free" yet. I dont have much clear pictures (however I can add some more later today), but judging from this pic--do you think my teeth looks OK.

Heres how my teeth began back in 2005 when I first got em in:

And here is my teeth now:


p.s. Avi pic is a VERY old pic from 2006, I gotta change that! :lol: Openbite & gap is history (except for slight spaces @ my upper canines..and also my right lower canine has mysteriously twisted inward :cry: )

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:48 pm
by mariahfromchicago
They look pretty good. Still talk to your ortho about it.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:56 pm
by speerjo
Looking great! Wish I was at your level of progress.

Braces coming off soon but skeptical (added more pics)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:24 am
by Qtgirl
OK. At my next adjustment I'll mention the crooked lower incisor, also about my last molars and a bunch of other things. Geez seems like the closer I get to debanding the more antsy I get.

Akireamil, youre right. I do trust my Ortho. I think I'll just mention some more of my concerns and see what she says. Originally my ortho wasnt going to band my last molars (and they were WAY out of postion) and I had to mention it to her because she thought I didnt have any issues with them. Im glad I did.

Thanks for your comments too speerjo and mariahfromchicago(your teeth looks fab). Speerjo dont worry soon you'll almost be done too--:)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:41 am
by Qtgirl
**Adding More Pics**

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:04 pm
by Qtgirl
Hey, 172 views and only 3 replies :? Whats going on? :lol: Please all I welcome any comment--especially if you think I really do need more work done or Im just hallucinating or something :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:31 pm
by Miss Smiley
I agree that your right canine is rotated. I think I see a slight gap forming between your right canine and right lateral as well. Not sure if it's just bacause that canine is twisted. But your teeth look great, "Don't get it twisted!"

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:52 pm
by breal87
I think they look Real good!!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:34 pm
by starryeyedfairy
you were gap toothed too!
as was i
i'm afraid that when the braces come off, and the retainers begin
its going to slowly open up again (even if it is slightly so)
which will probably call for bonding, which means more money out of my pocket!
lol sorry i had to air my frustrations
my gap really bothered me before and during braces and i'm so glad its closed up even if i do have to wear braces while keeping them that way at the moment

did you ever mind your gap?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:02 am
by Qtgirl
Miss Smiley: Thanks, I hope I dont get it twisted 8) I am going in today and I'll definitely tell her to please try to fix that. Yes I do have a space forming there and at my last adjustment my ortho gave my a thicker wire to close it back...but the poor canine is still not going back where its suppose to.

breal87: Thank you :) Ya Know after watching those pics I did not think my teeth looked good at all.. :oops: but thanks for restoring my confidence.

starryeyedfairy: Yep, I had a pretty big gap too IMO. My ortho recommended a frenectomy to remove the lil fleshy area between my teeth...and she is going to put a bonded retainer as well (all in the braces plan...thank goodness). I know how you feel about the gap. I couldnt wait for mine to disappear!! And its so funny now because I really dont remember (or miss) it.