Stainless Steel Reverse Arch wire and opening bite???

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Stainless Steel Reverse Arch wire and opening bite???

#1 Post by sonyablade »

I am approaching my 2nd year in braces. I went to the ortho yesterday and they put a stainless steel reverse arch wire in to "open my bite" What does this mean exactly? Also I finally have power chains. I am also in the worst pain I have had in a loooong time. So if anybody has experience with the stainless steel arch wire- how long am i going to in pain like this- everything feels extremly tight- and why would they want open my bite- what does that mean exactly? Thanks!

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Reverse arch wire

#2 Post by OrangeGeek »

I also went to my ortho on Weds. and got the reverse arch wire put in on the bottom and I am still in a lot of pain. What the heck is this thing doing to my mouth??

No pain, no gain....?

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#3 Post by Andantae »

Meryaten has explained this quite well a couple of times. Since I haven't seen a post from her for a few days...

Go to Marchhare2008 post on Jan 25 entitled, Overbite. Scroll down and read Meryatens explanition of Curve of Spee and the use of reverse arch wires. I am getting one put on next adjustment to extrude my 2nd molars more and create a better Curve of Spee.
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


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#4 Post by PfectPitch »

I'm in this phase, too, and my orthodontist explained it as "blossoming" the arch. If you are transitioning from light wires, this phase will seem really uncomfortable for awhile. But, like just about everything else, you will get used to the new level of pressure. Power chains are also an adjustment, but after having them for months, I really don't notice them anymore. Hang in there, and stay hydrated.

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