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Sensitivity!! Why now?

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:06 pm
by kjw1214
So before I started on this journey, my teeth never reacted the way they do now. Now since I got braced, especially in the back teeth, my teeth are extremely sensitive to cold and hot. Sometimes I have to stop mid chewing because the pain from the sensitivity is so bad, sometimes even when I am using my waterpik! I dont know if maye it is the metal that is causing it or my teeth just being moved around caused the nerves to become sensitive! Anyone had this happen?? Any clues on how to help!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:15 pm
by Jenna28
I don't know what to tell you to do to make it better, but I am having the same problem. I only got my braces yesterday, and my teeth don't really hurt, but my molars are suddenly really sensitive to hot & cold. So... if you figure out what to do to remedy the situation, please let me know!

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:19 pm
by DireWire

try using Sensodyne. It really works.

Usually, the reason for sensitive teeth is that the dentine is exposed. Normally, it is hidden under the gumline, but if the gum retracts, it gets quite painful. I think the braces can trigger that to some degree.

In the dentine, there are thousands of tiny open channels from the outside diectely to the nerves. Sensodyne cloggs these channels and the sensitivity stops. Please allow two-three weeks for it to work. If that is too bad, your dentist should have a flouride liquid that (s)he can apply. This works directly.

Good luck


Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:47 pm
by Katt
I have one wooth that has SEVERE sensitivity. I went to the dentist and she has no clue as to why, but she did say it is most likely due to the fact that my teeth are shifting like crazy so it's exposing the parts that normally wouldn't have been. So what she did is to put flouride on it. I brush with sensitive tooth toothpaste, use a flouride mouth wash and after I'm done with my care I take a small amount of tooth paste on my finger and place it on the tooth directly. It has helped a bunch. The tooth is still sensitive, but it is bearable now. She said it may take up to a month to settle down. Hope this helps.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:51 pm
by purpleteeth
I was just coming to the site to post something on this!! I have this one and only tooth that does this and my hygenist on Wednesday told me it was probably because I have a deep cavity there (that has been filled and I even had a pulp cap) and because the braces are more than likely exposing the root or something.

It drives me crazy though and it is mainly sensitive to cold things, not hot. Apparently it checked out enough with her not to call the dentist in to check it and I had xrays done 3.5 months ago with my braces, but it still drives me insane. I don't know what to do about it because it just aches sometimes ---- I can't even swish my mouth out with water in the sink without it being warm, however mouthwash at room temp is fine.... Go figure?

I am glad I see my ortho 3 weeks from tmr in case something is really wrong. I don't have swelling or bleeding or anything, nothing beside the occassional bleeding gums.

I wish I knew what to tell you because I am looking for a solution too.