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Worst possible sandwich combination...

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:15 pm
by cosmicgirl
For lunch today, I decided to "treat" myself to a shop bought sandwich - I normally stick with soup at work for many MANY reasons... However, today, I thought I'd be brave and bought what had been one of my favourite pre-braced foods.
It was organic AND vegan - so healthy!
However, as soon as I bit into it I knew it was a bad choice.
The rocket (rucola) turned into what felt like seaweed and wrapped itself around and around and around my quad helix as I was trying to swallow - resulting in lots of "comedy" gagging as it tried its best to slither down my throat, but couldn't as it was anchored fast to the wirework.
The super seedy bread went from soft and springy to solid gunk as it too joined the rocket and hey presto, the helix became one with my palate.
The grated carrots congregated under and over the archwires.
And as for the alfafa sprouts, well they dangled from my brackets in a most attractive manner...
I must have spent about half an hour trying my best to sloosh it all away (no toothbrush AAAGH!!!) and another 10 minutes unblocking the basin.
Soup tomorrow :(

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:30 pm
by jgrrl22
I've found that a simple salami & cheese sandwich on white bread is the DEVIL with braces! That makes me so, so sad since I love that combo. I ate it at work last week and let's just say I'm SO glad I bought a DentaKit and keep it at work with me! I got a lot of use out of the proxy brush and my toothbrush after lunch. LOL Two words: STUCK EVERYWHERE!!!

So, sadly, I'm finding slowly but surely that certain foods & snacks that I loved before I got braces aren't worth the trouble of getting all the crap out of my teeth. LOL

Re: Worst possible sandwich combination...

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:02 pm
by Pixel Witch
Cosmicgirl, it gets better, I promise!

The first few months after I got my expander, I felt like I had to relearn how to eat EVERYTHING. Noodles would get stuck up there and dangle down my throat, the seaweed on my sushi would get caught so the entire roll would mash into it and get stuck, and I can't tell you how many times I choked on food that was stuck.

But... I eventually learned how to eat everything again and be able to unconsciously maneuver around my hardware, so all is well :)

I guess its kind of like when i got my tongue pierced a million years ago and had to relearn how to chew gum :D

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:55 am
by BrandonH
I've found that Sunbeam bread is the worst with my expander.

Now, if I want a sandwhich, I get wheat bread and toast it -- problem solved.

My big problem now is that the exapnders and braces have moved my teeth around so much that only two of my teeth touch when I bite down. Eating doesn't hurt, but I have a hard time chewing my food properly.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:13 pm
by Lisa65
Well this isn't about a sandwich, but my husband's been away working all week. The other night I went shopping for groceries and decided to treat myself to some fresh pasta and a spinach and ricotta sauce, seeing as I couldn't be bothered to cook myself anything from scratch.

It took 10 minutes to eat and about 1/2 hour to clean all the highly attractive dangly bits of spinach out :?

Thanks for the chuckle Cosmicgirl!

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:42 pm
by mary.
What a funny story, and of course I'm picturing it all exagerated. Oh my, our braces stories are a laugh sometimes.

I've had my upper braces for a few months and just got my lower braces on - I tried spaghetti for the first time and it felt like there were noodles hanging out everywhere. My first week with braces, we laughed when it took me an hour and ten to eat a hot turkey sandwich. I got bored before I got full haha!


Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:46 pm
by jubba
not a sandwich but i thought i would treat myself to some chocolate cake and my gosh it was good however it took me a while to eat (perhaps i was savouring the fact i'm a bit of a cake lover and have been so good not eating it)

anyhow after i finished i rinsed with water and went to check myself in the mirror and just about every lit and bracket was covered in brown stuff!!!

at least i know to avoid chokky cake if i'm out for lunch now

but gosh it was good :D

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:15 am
by Skates
Oh cosmicgirl, I feel your pain. I went through all sorts of stuff with mine during Christmas. I know.


I'm looking forward to the day when you can stamp upon your helix...

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:30 am
by cosmicgirl
Hi Skates!
I am going to have the Mexican Hat dance song on full blast and my husband's motor cycle boots and give that helix what-for!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:52 am
by purpleteeth
Everything with bread or tortilla type material gets stuck in my braces. The cheese tends to melt into my bottom brackets in front and the crunchy stuff just finds ways to get caught in the gaps my braces are creating. I can't eat BIG sandwiches anymore either, just because I can't get my jaws up and over it without feeling like I am going to rip my brackets off the wires...

The sandwich I am most craving though is one with crunch peanut-butter :)

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:56 am
by cybersiren
I learned very quickly that just about everything can be cut up with a knife and fork in some way. Even sandwiches! I actually put an egg McMuffin in a blender once...not bad! It was kinda like an omelete with bread in it. :D