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Almost Done! & A Question for Lionfish

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:35 pm
by cybersiren
Hey everyone! I have been in braces for almost 18 months now. I have been lurking for a while but I don't post much. I was originally estimated to be at between 20-27 months but my ortho says things are moving much fatser than he thought they would. I have an appointment for tomorrow to get impressions taken for my tooth positioner (a removable finishing appliance that I will wear to close a few minor gaps). I am not sure, but from what I have researched it takes about 4 weeks to make the positioner and then the braces get to come off! I will get more information from my ortho about how long the wait will be and how much I will have to wear it before getting my retainers, but I am so excited! By this time tomorrow I should know my debanding date!

Also, lionfish, I remember you telling me about your positioner. Do you remember about how long you had to wait while it was being made? Also, did you get to choose a color or do they just come in clear? Thanks!

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:30 pm
by cybersiren
Thanks jt2lang! I can't wait till my adjustment tomorrow!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 1:39 am
by lionfish
Congrats on your pending debanding, cybersiren.

I think I waited about 3 weeks for my positioner to arrive, during which time I wore temporary esssix type retainers. It didn't occur to me to ask for a colour, so I ended up with the clear version.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:10 pm
by cybersiren
I didn't get the answer I was hoping for today. My ortho told me that while it would only take a couple weeks to make my positioner, I won't be ready to wear it quite yet. He added a new wire, a power chain, and some different elastics this time and said that debanding would probably happen within the next 1-2 appointments. My next appointment is on April 11th. My hope is that they will be ready to come off by then but I will probably have to schedule another appointment after that specifically for debanding. I might make it to that 20 month estimate after all. BUT the good news is that my ortho is pretty confident that I will only have to wear the positioner for about 8 weeks before I get my Hawleys. AND he thinks I'll only need to wear it about 5 hours a day. YAy!

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:18 pm
by ilovemacs
cybersiren wrote:My next appointment is on April 11th.
Awesome!! That's my birthday!!! Well it's good news that debanding may be 1-2 appointments away! Good luck!! :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:54 pm
by SinOnYourLips
cybersiren, I know it might sound like 2 moths is avery long time, but take it from me - time flies! Just 2 weeks ago I was posting about how long it feels til my debanding (this friday) and look at that its already 3 days away!

Just want to say, hang in there, distract yourself, but occasionally do remind yourself of how awesome it will be very VERY SOON! :D

Best of luck and congrats !

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:53 am
by lionfish
BUT the good news is that my ortho is pretty confident that I will only have to wear the positioner for about 8 weeks before I get my Hawleys. AND he thinks I'll only need to wear it about 5 hours a day. YAy!
If that's all the time required, nights should do it. I wore mine for approximately two months nights only before moving to permanent retainers. I did start with 48 hours of FT wear (less eating time, of course). Not the most pleasant thing, but for 2 days of my life I figured I could cope.

And yes, the time will pass very quickly.