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Anyone experience a situation like this with their braces?

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:45 pm
by newguy
I just got my lowers braced this morning, but when I tried to floss between my central incisors and between my central incisor and lateral incisor, I couldn't get the floss through to the gums. I noticed a clear-like substance between the gaps. I thought that this was the excess glue/adhesive the ortho used to adhere the brackets. It is quite hard. Btw, my front lowers are very crowded so the brackets on some of the front lowers are pretty flush with the tooth next to it.

I decided to call my ortho and tell him about the flossing incident and that there was excess glue that managed to get between some of my lowers. He assured me that it was sealant and NOT glue. He said not to worry and that he needed the sealant to strengthen the brackets’ position on some of the teeth. It seemed like it he meant to have it there. I left it at that.

Then I began thinking that this hard, clear sealant would prevent the individual lower front teeth from moving separately because some of them are “stuck’ together.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Am I paranoid that my lowers won’t straighten out because they are “stuckâ€

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:10 pm
by lionfish
I didn't have sealant get stuck, but I did have one incident where glue got between my teeth. My ortho removed it.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:22 pm
by newguy
thanks, i will ask again.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:17 pm
by hank hill
my bottom two fromt teeth are also kinda stuck together with what looks like glue. I havent asked about it, ive been through two adjustments and i suppose he must have seen it by now. But im not sure next time i will bring it up. You have a really good point about the teeth not being able to move because they are stuck.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:17 pm
by ReneG
I had a lot of glue maybe it was sealant? stuck between my teeth making it impossible to floss. I figured if floss couldn't get there, neither could food. But wherever I could poke my SuperFloss in (the base at the gum between teeth), I flossed.

This lasted all of three days (after being braced) before all the stuff wore off or simply fell off. I do have difficulty getting floss between some teeth but they do get in so I do floss.

My dental hygiene has never been better :lol: