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Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:16 am
by rexthedestroyer
Powerchains did not work. Double Powerchains did not work. Rubberbands did not work Double rubberbands did not work. Will Springs work?

That is my question. I have two nagging gaps between each one of my canines and the incisors. I have had braces for a year and a half and these gaps still have not closed. That is the last issue that needs to be dealt with before I can get these things off, but nothing seems to be working. Yestureday my doctor put on the springs along with a mini powershain in between the gaps. I am feeling some tenderness now, but i have no faith that this will work. I don't care if I am in braces for an additional year, I just want to be assured that whatever treatment I am put under will create the required amount of movement.

Anyone else been in this situation?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:09 pm
by KianaFran
I personally had all four biscupids removed and have 4 huge gaps. I have four springs and in four weeks, my ortho (and myself) was very happy with my movement. I don't even have an archwire because he wanted to close the gaps as much as he could prior to putting on the wire. Cheer up. :D Hopefully they work for you as well as they have worked for me.