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Just braced and have questions
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:44 pm
by dugsmom
I just got braced today and my teeth are killing me. I tried to eat a cracker and the pain was almost unbearable...I ended up swallowing half the cracker (it was a small one). My question is...when will I be able to eat a decent meal and how long will this pain last??
I didn't notice this until after I left the ortho's office, but there are no brackets on my two upper far back molars (on opposite sides). The braces end right before the last molars...does anybody know what that's all about??
And my final question...what are molar bands for??? I didn't get any...I just assumed everybody got molar bands...
Thanks so much!!
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:00 pm
by lionfish
Give yourself a week or two for things to settle down.
Molar bands are used at the discretion of the ortho. I didn't have any either (and did not hanker after them!). My lower second molars were also not brought into the picture at the outset. They went onto the wire after a couple of months into treatment.
Your ortho will no doubt have a plan for your treatment, best to ask him/her if you want to know with certainty.
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:43 pm
by ohmyjaw
It will get better, but crackers are probably not the best thing to eat right now! Maybe try some soup, applesauce, ice cream, etc.
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:48 pm
by Bekah
Hey happy Brace day! We both got braces on the same day! I can't eat either right now if it makes you feel better.
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:46 am
by HisBabygirl
yeah, until you feel a little more up to it, better stick to soft things and such. its not so bad. take a couple pain relievers, that might help. or if thats not for you, cold water and change your socks. lol. hope that helps!
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:53 am
by jenny101101
Hi Jessica,
To answer your question about no brackets on the last molars: Some molars don't need to be moved so orthos leave them be. My last molars have brackets but aren't attached to the archwire. My ortho is waiting to see if they'll need to be attached later on.
As far as you other questions: Yes, give it about a week and you'll be able to eat a lot better but try chewing a helps the blood flow and you'll be able to chew quicker. Take tylenol or advil for the pain and don't forget wax for those "buggy" brackets.... Welcome!! and Good luck!
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:28 am
by danish
dugsmom, welcome to life in braces
My question is...when will I be able to eat a decent meal and how long will this pain last??
- you should stick to softer foods in the beginning e.g. soft bread, youghurt, salads, soups, etc. And remember to drink a lot of liquids!
In time you will be able to eat normally again. The pain and soreness should disappear. It will take some weeks. Perhaps a month or two.
I didn't notice this until after I left the ortho's office, but there are no brackets on my two upper far back molars (on opposite sides). The braces end right before the last molars...does anybody know what that's all about??
- my ortho didn't start with brackets on the back molars either, but attached them some 3-4 months into treatment. You shouldn't worry about this.
what are molar bands for???
- molar bands are metal rings which are cemented around the molar teeth. They are basicly used to control the movement of the teeth along the archwire. I have molar bands on my upper teeth but not on the lowers. Depending on the treatment plan one may or may not have them. Ask your ortho for clarification.
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:20 am
by Skysi
I've got no brackets on my top back molars too.
Give it about a week and a bit, and most of the pain should be gone by then.
I could not bite down let alone chew in the first week, so i resorted to mashing everything at dinner with the back of my fork. I really wanted my pasta and meatballs
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:23 am
by purpleteeth
You sound like me, except I tried the hard stuff after about THREE DAYS --- I finally decided I was going to eat something besides yogurt, so I practically swallowed a sandwich whole. It was rather uncomfortable and it got everywhere, but the first real meal will be one you will value!!
Stick to the soft stuff in the beginning and use your wax. A lot of pain can be caused by the brackets causing sores. You can also blend foods in the blender and enjoy all the different kinds of soup you have never tried before too.
I didn't have wires on my back brackets until my first adjustment (which was 10weeks into braces), if my memory serves me right. I also do not have bands -- as an adult, my ortho said he didn't think I needed them. I also don't know if lack of bands is common with Damon's, but that could also be the case.
I know this might sound harsh, but try to get to SOLIDS as soon as possible. The longer you avoid chewing, the harder it will be. Just slowly work on solids, even if in tiny bites or if you have to let them "desolve". I have found that eating more solid foods helps to work the soreness out. I was in on solid food within a day or two, then it took a couple of weeks before I was back to MOST SOLIDS. I am more daring now, but I am still cautious --- and after adjustments, I usually only give myself about a day before I make myself work through the pain.
Do you have a bite plate type thing that you can stick in your mouth to bite on? It is plastic and curves and you just put it on top of your teeth and then bite down on it. My roommate in college had one of those and she said it helped a lot with her pain. I have never gotten one with my braces, but I also have rubberbands/ elastics and will have them for my whole treatment (getting the little bite thing in there would be impossible!!).
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:07 am
by tazzle
just to second, third and fouth what others are saying .......... the first few days it takes a bit of getting used to ...... it can feel like you will never eat again
....... but you WILL
I too did not get molar bands on the first appointment , got one on at the first adjustment because that molar needs to move to close a gap , the other side doesn't so maybe it will be a few monthe before it gets a band !
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:40 pm
by cosmicgirl
hello dugsmom!
hang on in there! the first few days (and weeks....) are the worst. I could hardly chew a thing and eating stopped being a pleasure, but then I started chewing gum again, and hey presto, teeth back to normal and eating like a monster!
I know it sounds mad, but please try it - it works like magic!
In the meantime, enjoy the (temporary) weight loss!
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:37 am
by dugsmom
Thanks everybody for your replies.
Liofish- A week or two isn't too bad. I've been living off of oatmeal and soup. I actually was extremely happy when I realized that I didn't have molar bands. My friend told me a horror story about her experience with molar bands (band was loose, she started feeling pain, turns out it had been lose for a long time and a cavity formed under it. She had to get a root canal at the age of 12). I've got a list of stuff I am going to ask my ortho...didn't really get to talk to him on brace day because I had that lip expander in my mouth. He left right after he glued on the brackets and his assistant finished up.
ohmyjaw- Crackers were a bad idea. My teeth felt fine...didn't hurt a bit until I stuck that cracker in my mouth.
Bekah- Happy belated Brace Day!! How are your teeth feeling today?? Mine are so much better but I'm still living off of soup. I'm looking forward till the day (hopefully soon)I get to eat a real meal.
Hisbabygirl- I changed my socks and it really did make me feel so much better. lol! My son loved that one! The pain relievers did help and soft food is all I'm eating for now.
jenny101101- I didn't get to talk to my ortho on brace day and I really didn't notice the no brackets and molar bands until I was in my car. I've been too chicken to chew anything but I'm starting today. Oh I did chew on my nightguard last night. I read a post on here where someone mentioned they had a dream about eating a cookie and woke up chewing on their must've stuck in my mind but that's what happened to me last night. My molars actually feel a lot stronger today...
Danish- Thanks for clearing that up for me. I'll definitely be asking my ortho lots of questions the next time I see him.
Skysi-I can survive a week...I've been mashing my food. Yesterday I had chicken soup with mashed chicken. lol. Pasta and meatballs sound good...
Purpleteeth-I didn't think it would teeth felt fine until I took a bite out of that cracker. I haven't gotten sores yet...I am hoping I won't. I have a bad grinding problem and chewed up my mouth really badly...I was in pain for days and it took forever for that to heal so I am hoping that toughened up the inside of my mouth.
I don't have a bite plate but I just got a nightguard that has bitepads (where the molars rest on). I woke up chewing on it last night and surprising my molars feel great today and so much stronger.
Tazzle- I hope I don't get molar bands. I've heard and read too many horror stories.
Cosmicgirl- I can chew gum??? Yay!!! Eating has definitely stopped being a pleasure...but the good thing is I've lost 2 lbs since I got braces and I am not snacking as often. Of course, I'll gain that back plus more as soon as get to eat a real meal again!!
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:32 am
by SuperDave
i got six molar bands and they really dont bother me at all. in fact, they bother me less than the brackets. maybe its just me. but the bands,...i dont even know they are there.
i wouldnt get to upset about having them later if you do. its not really a big deal. i wouldnt worry about it.