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Staining / yellowing below brackets

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:43 pm
by HalfNHalf
Hi all,

I realize that the search function is offline or only of limited use right now, so I thought I'd go ahead and post here since I am freaking out a bit about what seems to be prominent yellowing/staining of my lower teeth around the brackets and below the brackets down to the gum line.

I can't really tell whether this is all due to the residual glue, the etchant or just an optical illusion, but it appears that my teeth are relatively white immediately above the brackets and then very (I mean VERY) yellow immediately below. In addition, there are some nasty stains around the brackets that won't come off.

I do drink quite a bit of red wine, but was hoping someone could calm my nerves about the serious yellowing below the bracket line.


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:53 am
by deborah
Hi halfnhalf, I was wondering if the staining you mentioned on your lower teeth was there before you had your brackets put on. I was looking at my own lower teeth and my teeth are also very yellow by the gum line and go whiter towards the top. (I don't have braces on my bottom teeth) Maybe because you've got your brace on it is more noticible to you.
My ortho adviced me not to drink red wine, mainly due to staining the ligs, but i love red wine curries, drink lots of tea and coffee etc. No wonder my teeth are so yellow :!: I have started to drink white wine now instead of red. My upper teeth are very yellow too i would be too embarrassed to post any pics. I was once told that yellow teeth are healthy though i don't know if that is just a myth. Does anyone know :?: Anyway when all the treatment is finished i hope to have them whitened.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:35 pm
by BoSox2008
I also have this problem, not so bad but my bottom brackets are very close to the gumline and it is harder to clean.

I would suggest getting regular cleanings or buying a special toothbrush that targets tight areas like that. My dentist said that it is plaque buildup and could eventually cause gingivitis since it is so close on the gum line.

I would get it checked! At the very least, you will be able to get rid of your stains : )

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:26 pm
by bracednconfused
HalfNHalf --

that might not be your actual tooth -- but excess glue from when they were putting your brackets on.

i have this same exact problem on my two front teeth no less. but upon help from this messageboard and further inspection, i see that what is yellow is the excess glue that has stained, not my teeth. i have my first adjustment in about a week so i'll ask them to take the excess off because i am a frequent coffee drinker and its only getting worse.

bring it up at your next appt.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:14 pm
by Gabbajabba
I've noticed the same yellowing around my gum line as well. But it seems to be worse on some days than others. I don't drink coffee or sodas but do have the occasional tea. I have an appointment for a cleaning in June. Its on my list of questions to ask my hygenist, just to make sure its not just my imagination. Although, one of my college friends is my hygenist's assistant, so maybe I could just ask her. But asking a firend to look in my mouth is a little wierd, so maybe I'll just wait. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:34 am
by Jex
That happened to me, too. I promptly went to my dentist and had a cleaning and they were able to blast it off with a Prophy Jet. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:24 pm
by dugsmom
Same thing happening here. I've started brushing that area with a proxy brush. I've also noticed that my teeth above the brackets are sparkly white which only makes the yellow stand out more!
