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impact changing the teeth?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:25 pm
by Spidey
Just wondering...

Two days ago my son's head banged me directly in the mouth (ouch!!!). Thankfully, he was just fine and didn't even notice.

I had a bit of pain, but nothing serious.

That night, immediately after, a space opened up between my front teeth. My tooth shifted again yesterday, and now it seems like my #2 has gone up a little into my gums- not perfectly level anymore.

Yikes!! The changes are miniscule, and only a freak like me would notice- but they are there nonetheless.

In my very last phase of treatment, so I don't think there should be so much movement? Or could a little knock change such a heavy archwire?

Or I am possibly just losing my mind... Grrr

Yes, I know, ask my ortho. :)
Just wanted to know if anyone experienced something like this?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:20 pm
by catfish
I haven't had a similar experience, but I do share your heightened sense of awareness about all the changes in my teeth. So I don't think you're losing your mind. Or if you are, I am too!

My dentist summed it up pretty well when he said I have the "periodontal scare". Since I have periodontal disease (including loose lower front teeth) I am extremely aware of any tooth movement. Everytime I notice a change, I have to wonder whether it's normal braces movement, or excessive movement because of the perio. I experience some angst whenever I get my teeth worked on, because I don't like having anything press on them.

So hang in there until you can check in with your ortho!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:49 am
by rolo
I don't think you are loosing your mind at all! I've been to my ortho when I thought a tooth was moving in the wrong way, they saw me that day. They seemed quite used to sloting patients in for that sort of thing. I would call and ask if they can take a look. I work in healthcare and have patients that come in all the time for me to take a look at issues they are concerned about, it's all part of the job, and lets face it without patients I wouldn't have a job!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:38 am
by Spidey
I will try to chill out a bit- seems I have questions quite often , and have been right on a few ocassions.

I think it is down to the wire (pun intended) and I am looking at every small detail to be perfect for my August debanding...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:50 am
by purpleteeth
Have you called your ortho? Maybe the bumping helped move things along? Hehe... probably not, but you might be able to go in for a check just to make sure everything is still okay.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:48 am
by swede
My daughter at the age of 9 had top braces on. She tripped getting into bed and went mouth first into the drywall. She left impressions in the wall from her four front brackets :shock: . I was terrified that they all came loose. I do believe that the braces saved her teeth, becasue if she had not had them on, I don't see how that hard of an impact would not have knocked something out. I guess since the teeth are already slightly loose from the movement, the hit didn't affect them as much.

I am sure that everything is fine :D .
