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Suresmile patient - debanded this morning

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:56 am
by swede
I don't have pictures yet, but I was debanded this morning. Everything went better than I thought. There was almost no pain, just horrible noise from the glue being scraped off my teeth. I wasn't 100% happy due to some flaring of my top front teeth, but I was told that this was the best we could do because of the thickness of my teeth and my jaw position. I was actually happier than I thought I would be with the result. It is hard to tell exactly what it will look like when the braces are still on.

I did Suresmile, was told 12-14 months, a couple of snags along the way, so total time ended up at 17.5 months. Without Suresmile I was told 24-30 months. I will of course never know how much time it actually shaved off.

I have Essix top and bottom. Permanent bottom retainer will go on in 4 weeks. I am supposed to get a cleaning before that is done.

I can't believe that they are off :D ! Time really did fly. The only thing I would have done differently is to go full metal. I had clear on top and metal on bottom. The clear brackets were very bulky to me and looked worse to me than my friends that have metal.


Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:24 pm
by spartanforever
Congrats swede!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:31 pm
by funshine
Congrats! Can't wait to see a pic of your beautiful smile :D