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Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:16 am
by 2shy
well have been and got three consults from three different orthos; Interesting range of advice.
ortho one definately no surgery ( more i think because he felt it was quite invasive) I left feeling that he was a little lost on direction

ortho two whole lot needs surgery including moving jaw around and sarpe. wasn't prepared to discuss any other treatment option.

ortho three nice approach and I felt comfortable with her however definately sarpe and possibly/ probably more additional surgery at a later date.

OK I have had plenty of time to think on this and really surgery is not a route i wish to take.
I have a V narrow palate plus having had four premolars previously extracted no room to move back into to sort my significant overjet.

I would still prefer to do something than nothing but am I on a hiding to nothing.
I could go back to the original ortho but I strongly suspect his approach is likely to be at best mildly cosmetic and probably unstable .

do i have anywhere to go from here is there a compromise or is it a case of doing nothing :? [/b]

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:19 am
by purpleteeth
If you aren't totally convinced yet, get a couple more opinions -- maybe 2 of the ortho's will agree! Don't compromise, it is your mouth and your money and your life.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:32 pm
by lionfish
I went for a compromise because I didn't want to do surgery either. I found a great ortho who respected my choice and worked with me to achieve an outcome that I'm very happy with. I'd only had one extraction prior to that (a second molar), btw.

I agree with purpleteeth, get another consult or two.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:46 pm
by Memran
Thirded, (is that even a word?) get more consultations if you're still unsure. :thumbsup: