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Save the molars or wisdom teeth??

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:09 pm
by avj
I will be braced to correct underbite and crossbite on lower arch.
The ortho said there will be 2 teeth to be pulled out. Initially she said to have my wisdom teeth pulled out (only the lower left is half erupted, the lower right one has not come in).
But, after seeing that both my lower 1st molars are not good - the lower right one will need a root canal- she said to have them pulled out.
Then, she plan to shift the rest of the molars including the new and supposedly healty wisdom teeth to close the gap.

My concern is, my dentist said it is not easy to shift molars and if they did move, there is a possibility of the roots not moving. He said the teeth could tip (only the surface is moving, but the root stays) and that will make them weak.

Which is better? To have the wisdom teeth pulled out and save the molars (with root canal), or to have both first molars pulled out and shift the other molars to close the gap?

Im sorry for the verrrryy long post. Im verryy confused.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:14 pm
by Folk Ballad
Hey there. I'm actually in the same boat as you.
My orthodontist wants to have my lower second molars pulled and my wisdom teeth moved into their place (though they're in the same state as yours - one's half-erupted and the other is currently a no-show). Though unlike you it wasn't really explained to me why he wants to do this. Something to do with my open bite, apparently. Maybe because my second molars have fillings or maybe they have more wear and tear than my other teeth and therefore they need to go?

Either way, I'm just as concerned and confused as you are. Taking out a molar leaves a huge space for another tooth to move to and I can't help, but think this will be no easy feat.

Sorry I'm absolutely no help! I'm going to be calling my orthodontist on Monday to ask about this wisdomteeth/molar mess, so if I hear anything at all enlightening I'll post back on this thread. Good luck!

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:03 am
by BoSox2008
Hi there - I had this option when I was getting my braces on one year ago. My wisdom teeth were coming in and there would not have been enough room for them to fit. The orthodontist said that I could either have the molars extracted (which is easier than wisdom tooth extraction bc of root length, depth, etc) and move the wisdom teeth into their place, or take away the wisdom teeth.

I decided to take my wisdom teeth out because after speaking with the oral surgeon she said there is no way of knowing 100% that your wisdom teeth are/will be healthy.

As far as moving molars - I had a missing molar on the bottom and my last molar shifted into its place over time. The ortho moved this last molar into its rightful place and I now have enough space to have a molar implanted. This didn't take longer than the rest of my treatment, it was moved into its final place in about 7 months... good luck with your decision!

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:59 am
by avj
Thanks everyone!
My ortho said she will use a micro-implants to move the roots so the teeth will not tip.
The micro-implants look like a screw :shock: and I dont want them inside my mouth! But my ortho said its the only device that can help move the roots.. and finally later she said she can try without them first and see the progress.
I hope I won't need them!

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:30 am
by purpleteeth
Get your wisdom teeth pulled and save the molars. The molars you know are already there, they just need some work done - not all of your wisdom teeth have come through and there is no promise as to the integrity of those teeth either.