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wisdom teeth coming out!!

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:16 am
by wazza
hey there
i am back from japan and havent posted for quite a while

so, when i first got my braces in, i had to have my top 2 wisdom tooth pulled out cos it was exposed and they said its best to take it out cause it can make my teeth crooked after having braces and that it is a hassle to clean etc.
they didnt pull my bottom two out because it wasnt grown yet. They go if it does grow, it will make my teeth crooked and crowd it.

Now i notice that i can see my bottom 2 wisdom teeth revealing itself. I can see little white bits of the tooth with the gum slowly thinning away.
Im am too scared to tell the ortho cos i dont want to get my teeth taken out!!

what should i do?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:44 am
by jennielee81
It is really up to you whether they pull your lower wisdom teeth or not. If they are not causing you any problem, you should be able to keep them. If your ortho is insists on having them pulled, ask your dentist if he/she sees any reason why this must happen.

I had 2 of mine out (I had a really bad gum infection) about 6 years ago and my ortho and dentist have both told me that the remaining 2 can stay as long as I want them to. So long as I don't get another infection.

Retainers keep your teeth from moving...most ortho's no longer blame the wisdom teeth for this movement, but rather just the fact that our teeth continue to move with our without those 3rd molars back there.

Don't worry about it right now. They're not in yet. Ask your ortho and dentist why they MUST come out.

Good luck!

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:57 pm
by landela
If your wisdom teeth don't bother you, I see no reason why you would need to get them pulled out. I have all of my wisom teeth in with no problem and no concern from any of my dentists or my orthodontist. If they want to pull them, I'd talk to them and express your concerns with getting the other two pulled out and see what your options are.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:01 pm
by jennielee81
However, partially exposed teeth do represent a risk for infections referred to as recurring pericoronitis
Precisely what happened to me. Thanks Meryaten for giving that horror a name!! :yikes:

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:53 pm
by wazza
thanks so much guys. really great advice :)

im sure if he is a good dentist he will noticed the partially exposed tooth...and ill ask him if it is really necessary if he insists on taking them out. I just remember him saying the main reasons he took my top 2 out were because of susceptibility to infection and the risk of it making the other teeth crooked