Debanding date!

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Joined: Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:54 pm

Debanding date!

#1 Post by mominbraces »

Barring any unpleasant surprises, it will
be August 7, 2009. That will make it one
week shy of 29 months in braces.

What's ironic is that I have by now lost
count of the number of times my extraction
gaps have been closed -and then reopened.
It took about a year for ortho to realize that
he could not simultaneously close my extraction
gaps AND open my bite. So he closes the gap,
then he places a reverse-curve archwire,
which re-opens the gap (a little). Then he
removes the reverse curve wire, puts the chains
back on and re-closes the gap, then he
repeats the entire process until he gets the
bite where he wants it. He's still doing that!

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