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activating largewire? PICTURE

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:47 am
by okikio
So from brace day I have had my top 4 teeth braced with a large wire. They said I will be wearing this wire for 3 to 6 months and then they will brace all my top teeth. My first adjustment they "activated" the wire and told me to continue wearing my rubber bands. I just went in today for my second adjustment and they activated the wire again. What the heck? I thought they already activated it? I have had this wire for 5 1/2 months so I thought they would be taking it off. Instead they said they will see me in 8 weeks. Has anyone else have had this large wire activation thing?


Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:40 pm
by -Michael-
I've never seen that setup before. Interesting.

I've learned to SPEAK UP, the moment they say something I don't understand. I immediately stop them and ask, ok what are you doing, what does that 'word' mean and what is going to happen with my teeth?

I got tired of leaving the ortho office with questions in my head.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:35 pm
by okikio
My ortho says my mouth is crowded in the front so this wire is pushing my teeth back to make more room. I am just tired of this wire because of the hooks. Anyways I was just seeing if anyone else on here has had the same thing I have and could tell me how it went for them.