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Back For Round Two..

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:38 am
by blueberry
HI Everyone ive been a member here since i was 16, counted down the days till my extractions, then braces on with the members here, i think my old crowd probably have moved on by now, but im back for round two, as after having my braces off about 6 months, i went to KFC, and took out my acrylic/metal retainers to eat then cleverly proceeded to unwittingly throw them into the bin, fast forward 4 hours and i habitually licked my teeth ( retainer wearers will know what i mean) to discover my fatal mistake.

A few weeks later and £150 down i was left with teeth that had dramatically moved and a retainer moulded to thier new wonky shape = pretty much back to square one :( for the last year or so i have been religiously wearing my wonky retainers, but no improvement and now they have fallen into a state of disrepair.

My situation is so, i can now just about afford to have them re-done privately, i will use the same practice, but as far as i have got with research it will be about £2000, spread over 18 months (for white ceramic ones). Alot of money i know but i think completely worth every penny, and after all those aching days and nights for 11 months, to have nothing to show for it is such a shame. Contacting them tomorrow hopefully to get an appointemnt = £90 just to see them! daylight robbery! I can feel my teeth aching, so i know they are atill sliding back to their old ways, so the time is now! get 'em while they're still on their runners ;). So hopefully im welcome back, and im here to answer any questions you may have.

I had/have a class 3 underbite, 4 extractions: 2 2nd upper bicuspids, and two lower 1st bicuspids. wore fixed metal braces for 11 months, then had one metal, and one invisaline style retainer for a good while. look up my previos posts if you would like to see pictures. Wow long shpiel! thanks for reading and hope to hear/ read your posts soon!
blueberry xxxx

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:29 pm
by jaswi
Welcome back. I'm somewhat concerned that after wearing your retainers for 6 months your teeth still decided to shift that much...