Am I ok to post about an expander?

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Am I ok to post about an expander?

#1 Post by iamsherbear »

Hi my name is Sherry. My daughter turned 7 in June and will be going in Nov 5th to get an expander on top and something called a Swartch (sp) on the bottom.
First of all, am I in the right place to post about this since this isn't braces related?
Also does anyone have any advice? Will it hurt her? Will it affect how she talks?
She is a sensitive kid and I am a little worried/scared/concerned...typical mother I guess.


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#2 Post by Delag »

My daughter started early orthodontics as well (8). She has a much easier time adjusting than I do. I think that because they are still so nice and flexible it is less painful. I give my dd a kiddie Motrin before we go see the ortho, and I make sure she has one in her lunchbox in case she needs it during the school day. My dd and I go celebrate and have some special one on one time after each adjustment....usually something yummy and soft to eat - that makes going to the orthodontist something to look foward to.

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