Get crown before my braces or after treatment is done?

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Get crown before my braces or after treatment is done?

#1 Post by evelinany »

My dentist says I need one add. crown on one of my teeth - he said he can do that before my braces go on or after. I asked him if he doesnt put it on now how will the tooth look like and he said it will look ok he will just use regular filling but that the braces might make the filling fall out -- at which point i can just replace the filling right?
Personally, I' prefer to o the crown after my treatment is over... but I would like some advice from people who can relate???

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#2 Post by rdrisc99 »

what tooth do you need crowned? i had a crown on one of my molars last march, and had my braces put on in may. because of the location of my crowned tooth, they didn't even have to put a bracket on it.
good luck!

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#3 Post by evelinany »

I need a root canal plus crown on the first premolar bicuspid. I would prefer to have the crown done AFTER braces are taken off...
My question is, if you have had a root canal is it necessary that you put on the crown before you can put your braces on... or can you just use regyular filling and after you're done with braces, you get your crown then...

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#4 Post by lifeisgood »

The purpose of a crown is to provide support and protection for the tooth. If a tooth has a relatively large filling in it, it is weaker than the others and more susceptible to decay or damage. When you have braces it often takes more effort to maintain a clean oral environment as the brackets and wires catch food very easily. A crowned tooth will be easier to keep clean with braces than if it just has a filling, and since it is a protective measure and needs to be placed eventually, you may want to consider placing it before getting braces.

Hope all goes well.

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#5 Post by Delag »

For what it is worth....I have gone through 2+ years of braces (and surgery) with 4 temporary crowns. Two of those have had root canals. I have had no trouble at all. It did take a bit more work to get the brackets to stick, but the ortho used a little extra super glue and they have all stayed put. Doing it this way ensures the permanent crown will fit my new bite when the braces come off. If I need to swap out a temp crown, it really isn't any big deal.

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