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27 new to braces

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:08 am
by kino
Hi, I just turned 27 and new to braces.

Here are the chronicles ( 2 months range)

- Pre treament, few cavities... :( and one root canal.
- Consultation, reach agreement, x-ray, impression and hook up the
brackets on upper teeth ,8 spacers , 4 up and 4 down. PAINFUL
- Spacer came out after 3 days.
- Tooth extraction (4) impression for crown. at this time my gum
is already traumatize.
- Reset spacer (<--- I hate this because spacer hurts for me)
- Put on last bracket on up teeth (my crown finally in), and hook
up wire!....very sore but not as bad as spacer. I also got molar
band which irritates alot!
- Wisdom tooth extractions, because my insurance cover those this
- Finally I after 2 weeks post op I can eat. Still recovering from the

So many things happened in my mouth within 2 month I almost feel
regret. Dealing with the pain from spacer, bracers, extraction, root canal.

Oh well here is the picture before and after 3 weeks..... hmmm I think
I can see the different a little from this picture.

But my bite is wayy different now so Im pretty sure my teeth is moving.

Anyway Im hoping for the best to survive the rest of the treatment.


Ill take better picture next time

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:10 am
by kino
oh yeah i forgot, next week il will be getting bottom bracers

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:47 am
by Andromeda
Wow kino, you mouth has been busy! I know it's tough and all the pain and annoyances are no good, but don't regret what you're doing! It will start getting better soon. After you get your bottom braces and then once the soreness from the goes away, things will be much better. You have already been through the worst of it, the rest of your treatment should be much easier. The beginning is always the toughest. I'm glad to hear you are able to eat some normal foods again and look forward to hearing about your continuing journey. How long is your estimated treatment time?

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:02 am
by kino
Thanks! I really need the encouragement........

Im a worried tart and hope there's no more unexpected obstacles!

My ortho said it will probably 18-24months. I guess depends on how quickly my teeth move..... I hope they do move fast thou.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:06 pm
by kirjax
wow in 3 weeks your teeth have moved quite a bit! If that's not enough to make you smile I am not sure what would!

I always say that the spacers are the worse and once through that you can handle the braces. I've never done the root canal or extraction part so I have no idea how your feeling on that end. Sounds like you have been through quite a bit but your on the upside now!! It will go by quickly and it will all be worth it - trust me!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:13 pm
by KAS03
Hi Kino; I just got my braces on a month ago and felt very much the same!! Its really been miserable; and I felt some regret too. Everyone def. keeps reminding me it will be worth it and I hope theyre right!! Wanted to let you know that in 3 weeks your teeth already look a lot straighter-- they look great...!!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:04 am
by Andromeda
Good luck getting your bottom braces this week, if you haven't already! Let us know how goes/went!

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:47 am
by rak
Whoa!! Just three weeks and I can see a big difference!
Hang in there Kino. You made the right choice, and in the end you'll have a beautiful smile :D !
I also hated the spacers....

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:07 pm
by isobelleo
Sounds like you've been through a rough time, you must be terribly brave to have all that treatment. I tip my hat to you - I just had to have a bit of filing and I'm wearing a removable aligner and I'm still a wuss about it, so I really do admire your courage!

And you can really see the results already, so good for you! =)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:55 am
by Clairey Fairey
WOW They already look amazing!! And just think the more pain, the more your teeth are moving and the closer your getting to straight teeth. The pain will be worth it :D

Update - Upper Arch

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:32 am
by kino
Update upper arch.


My lower arch is moving slowly, ill post pic later.

So far Im happy with the progress, and Ive been good with the brackets. =)

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:14 pm
by kristi1003
wow your teeth have moved. i hope mine move quickly as well. i am 28 and get braces on april 28. best of luck to you!