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Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:46 am
by rak

I got a nance holding arch 3 days ago. This is the first step in my treatment! In 2 weeks I will be putting my upper braces on, and a week latter I will be extracting my two upper pre-molares. (But I will think about those things latter...)

Can anyone tell me when will I get used to this nance arch? It's actually getting worst... Some words are really hard to pronounce, I can't eat properly and I am producing a lot of saliva :roll: . Is this normal? Will this drooling stop soon :shock: ?!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:45 am
by Waiting2BeFabulous
I had a Nance put in 6 days ago (along with all of my brackets and wires) and I have to say that I'm still not having an easy time adjusting to it either.
Eating is...weird, and my speech hasn't gotten much better, even though I've been practicing ;-)

I think I'd feel more "normal" without it. I'm getting used to the braces a little more every day but the Nance is still an annoyance.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:32 am
by rak
What cheers me up in your answer is thinking that getting used to the braces won't be as hard as I though :lol: !

This nance is really a nuisance! Today I tried eating some chips and pieces kept getting underneath the plastic… Oh, and eating is a figure of speech: sipping is more accurate :roll: !

Good luck :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:22 pm
by Waiting2BeFabulous
Ibuprofen and dental wax will soon become good friends of yours, as they are mine :-) On day 2 with my braces, I thought that there was NO WAY I'd get used to them....they're still pretty foreign feeling to me, but each day I find that I'm thinking about them less.

But the Nance...well, I still hate it. I hope to get used to it soon! I COULD probably eat normally now, without pain...but the Nance appliance is such a hassle that I'm still eating soft (sippable, lol) food. I contemplated a sandwich yesterday but thought...nah, it's not worth it...half of it would just be stuck to the roof of my mouth!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:38 am
by rak
My orthodontist advised that I should rinse my mouth often with salted water. I try to pass it underneath the plastic forcing it with my tongue. This actually helps a lot cleaning it (I see little pieces of food coming out), so I am not so reluctant with solids anymore :D .
Let's see when I put the braces on... :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:36 am
by VistaXP
Nance is nothing, wait till you get retainers . aaawwwww

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:55 am
by rak
I wish I was already at that stage :roll:

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:47 am
by Waiting2BeFabulous
I still hate the Nance, rak.

It's day 12 with braces on for me and they feel like they're a part of my mouth now. I still get some lip irritation once in a while but salt water rinses and wax take care of that. The Nance, however, still feels awkward. It doesn't hurt at all (I don't think it's supposed to) but I am VERY aware of it. My speech has gotten a little better but still not 100% normal. I still do not enjoy eating, and that's sad...because food and eating has always been one of my top 5 pleasures of life. The day this thing comes off will be a good one, and I'm hoping it's sooner than later.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:28 am
by rak
Sorry to hear that... It's now day 9 for me, and I am also very aware of it. "ss" and "ch" sounds are still hard to pronounce and my tongue keeps pushing on the plastic all the time. It seems I have a big caramel in my mouth all the time. Also the brackets attached to the metal bands are HUGE! I hate it. I hope that I don't have to keep this thing all the way trough the treatment. Do you know if you have to keep yours till the end?

In six days I’ll put my braces on :)! I'm delighted to hear you adapted so well to yours! :P

New Nance too

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:31 am
by tlkiser
Hi all - I just got upper braces and a Nance on Monday. I'm still trying to get used to it all - sore teeth, stuff in the roof of my mouth - ugh!! I agree with the poster who said that this takes the fun out of eating - it's so much effort.

I bought a water pik and have found that it's great for cleaning under the Nance after I eat. I tried swishing water, but it felt like there was still stuff stuck.

Anyone have any clue how long it takes to speak normally again?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:45 pm
by Waiting2BeFabulous
I hate to tell you this, but at almost 3 weeks I'm still not talking normally...but it IS getting better. I read somewhere that it would take "a few days"....ha.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:46 am
by rak
I have my Nance for more than 2 weeks now, and eating is almost normal. Somehow I learn how to position my tongue in a different way.
About speaking... I notice it's still not perfect sometimes, especially when I talk for a long time. The "ss" sound is still hard. But I'm getting there.

I have to confess the hardest part is to be constantly aware of a foreign object inside my mouth :roll: .