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From where this "newbie" sits...

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:54 pm
by Waiting2BeFabulous
1) I'm jealous of all of you who are already at least halfway through your treatment, who, even though are still in braces...have straight teeth behind them! I see pics of what your braces look like (mostly, cute) vs. what MINE look like, 6 days after getting them.

2) I'm jealous of anyone who noticed movement within the first few days/ 1 week after being braced, because I have seen none. Zip.

3) I'm especially jealous of those who are about to get theirs off very soon. I have a 2.5-year sentence and it seems like a millennium away.

4) I would kill to "have to wear a retainer" right now

I know I know...patience. lol...I've only had them for 6 days! It'll be a week tomorrow. So, here's the little list of things I tell myself to feel better throughout the day:

1) It's been over 2 years since the Colts won the Superbowl. That doesn't seem like THAT long ago. (very random)

2) I think my soft-food diet, consisting of yogurt, soup, bran flakes (I let them get soggy) and actually a pretty healthy diet. Plus I'm drinking way more water. This may be temporary, but it just so happens that I have to get in a bathing suit next month.

3) I am going to be ten times hotter by the time I'm 37! Watch out ;-)

4) By the time football season comes around, my teeth will have straightened up a lot more, and I will represent my favorite team by wearing its colors in my mouth

5) They're finally on, after years of only thinking about it

Re: From where this "newbie" sits...

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:53 pm
by bb
Waiting2BeFabulous wrote:
4) By the time football season comes around, my teeth will have straightened up a lot more, and I will represent my favorite team by wearing its colors in my mouth

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:49 pm
by braceasourus

Well, if it makes you feel any better i am not getting my braces on until March 3rd (13 days and counting) so i am jealous of you! your like 3 weeks ahead of me!

Trust me when i say i totally feel your pain and could have wrote that post myself. i just wanna have beautiful teeth already! But i guess we just need to have patience! I do find comfort in knowing that after all these years its finally happening and i really am on the road to having pretty straight teeth! I really cant wait to smile in a picture... something i have never done before.

And i am using the mush diet ( i just started eating normal again with the expander) to help loose some weight too! I figure if i am paying $8,000 on my teeth i might as well get skinny out of this whole deal too! I have to say being forced to eat so slowly is totally helping with that too!

Good luck!!


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:05 am
by rak
As I already though when reading your posts in "Nance" topic, I relate a lot to you, Waiting2BeFabulous :lol: ! We just have to be patient...

braceasourus, I am getting my braces also in the 3rd of March!! Looking forward to hearing how it went with you :wink: .

Also, I expect to loose some weight... we always have to look at the bright side! Although, I don't know why (but possibly from the overproduction of saliva, my stomach thinks that food it's on its way), I am much hungrier since I put my Nance on!! I hope this doesn't continue with the braces :roll: ...

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:41 pm
by blindboarder2008
wow what a great post, it kinda made me chuckle a bit cause i kinda felt that way when i started this journey. before you know it though time flies. It still feels like yesterday that i got my braces consultation and got my braces on! once you get all used to your braces time will fly by so quickly that before you know it poof! your braces will be coming off!!!!! hang in there!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:15 am
by braceasourus
oh! Rak, thats so cool that your getting them the same day as me. Stay in touch we can be each others support system though all the pain..oy

Good luck!

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:12 am
by kirjax
hmm that reminds me. I never did end up getting Eagles colors. But I did get Phillies colors!!

But yes patience is a must when it comes to be braced and I think the first 6 months can drag just waiting to see the results but once they're there you will no longer feel like you do!

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:04 pm
by dugsmom
Don't you worry...before you know it, you'll be halfway done. I got braced last April and can't believe it'll soon be my 1 year anniversary. It's kinda a bittersweet feeling for me...I'll only have 1.5 years to go but April is my birth month so I'll also be one year older-booooo hooooo :'(

I don't remember exactly when I saw movement (should've kept a blog of my journey) but I know it was within 2 months so I bet you'll see some movement by then!

2.5 isn't bad...I've read about people who have had up to a 3- 4 year sentence!
Bet they'd kill for a 2.5 year sentence!

Time flies when you're in braces (which kinda isn't good because that just means you're getting older-boooo-hooo). Just wait, you're going to be amazed at the transformation your teeth, your body, you're whole you is going to go through. My confidence levels alone have gone up 100%!


Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:14 pm
by pegasus2425
I'm also just starting my journey with braces 4 days braced! And also have a 2.5 year sentence. We'll be able to do it together. I'm also a huge Colts fan, Go Manning! And will be displaying my colors proudly this fall.
As far as movement goes, I haven't seen squat yet, but my teeth do feel loose though. I have a 5mm gap between my top front teeth, so every morning I wake up and expect it to be magically gone lol. I'm not much on patients- I want instand gratification!
I have a lolve hate relationship going right now with my liquid/soft food stomach hates me, but my waistline is lovin it. My teeth don't hurt much anymore but I have very sensitive teeth so when I bite down the metal bands on my molars tend to ring.
So anyway, so I got side tracked- so now that you have passed the 1 week mark- how are things going? How is the pain and the adjusting to something on your teeth going?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:08 am
by HeatherRenae88
Ha ha Pegasus, I totally know how you feel. It will be two weeks this Monday since I was braced, and I'm constantly looking in the mirror to see if any of the spaces between my top four teeth have closed. I'm not very patient. =/

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:28 pm
by Audra
I so remember how this felt. Once I made the decision I could not wait. The time between my consult and brace day was torture (May 15 to July 7). Since then time has flown so quickly (I'm over 7 months in now). The first few days, I wondered if I made a mistake. My teeth were really sore and I had a lot of irritation from the brackets (wax will be your best friend for a while). I wanted to take them off myself! It didn't take too long to get used to them and now I forget they are there sometimes.

I enjoyed reading this thread because I too was so excited at the beginning of my treatment.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:40 am
by Waiting2BeFabulous
I suppose we'll all get through it and be happy in the end...but it's the "getting through it" part that's hard, right?

pegasus...congrats on getting braced! I hope you're not feeling too much discomfort. Let's see...I'm past the 1-week mark and it IS getting easier.

Ooh, though...I went on a girls' trip this weekend and drank a little too much :-( Here's something I think I've learned: becoming dehydrated with braces is NOT a good thing! Ever since I've had them on I've been drinking a lot of water because many people on this board have mentioned that it helps with the inside of the mouth. But yesterday morning my lips felt like they were stuck to the brackets and it HURT all over again, after finally feeling comfortable enough to not have to use wax 24/7. I'm not sure if anyone else has discovered this same thing, but from now on, if I drink alcohol I need to make sure to drink a LOT of water. I drank enough water to prevent a hangover but not enough to prevent my mouth from drying.

P.S. 10 days later and still no apparent movement but...I'll TRY to be patient ;-)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:47 am
by Waiting2BeFabulous
By the way, I can see how I might have implied that I was a Colts fan, but this girl bleeds Blue (NY Giants) so...go "other Manning!" :-)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:04 pm
by crazybeautiful
Just think there are those of us waiting for surgery too! :wink: Once you're used to them (ie can eat properly- I could almost straight away) it will go by quite quickly.

By the way, since we're talking about American football, I have to say I don't get it. Is it rugby, is it not rugby? Very confusing sport. Internatonal football all the way! :P

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:36 am
by Waiting2BeFabulous

I love um..American football. It's one of those sports that you really come to appreciate once you understand the rules and strategy involved. Anyone who doesn't watch it often probably gets bored...there's a lot of pausing, stopping, reviewing plays, etc. But what may look easy to some is actually VERY hard to do, especially at the professional level.
I really could go on and is the only sport I truly love.

Rugby looks really fun/cool too...and a lot more dangerous and wild! I don't get to see it played often (or I don't know what channel they play it on), but I don't know the rules...sounds strange that one would appreciate a sport only after understanding the rules but I think it's important to know.

I played soccer (the other football, lol) growing up and loved it too, but don't enjoy watching professional soccer for whatever reason. To me, it's just too fluid and the athletes are so good it almost looks too easy (even though I know it's not)....I don't know....I had a passion for playing it at one time, but can't watch now without getting bored.

Sorry for the sidebar, but just made me forget about my braces for the 5 or so minutes it took me to type this :-)