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The day is drawing near

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:01 am
by Summer73
Well Tuesday the 3rd is coming quicker than I'm ready for. I'm very nervous now about the discomfort that is associated with getting a mouthful of braces. :?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:10 am
by Andromeda
I was nervous too, but I really just wanted the day to come quicker so it would be over with and my journey would be officially started. The sooner you start, the sooner its over, right? I just made sure that I ate plenty of the foods on the no-no list before I got them on so maybe you want to do that. What I wouldn't give for a carmel apple or some corn on the cob right now, haha.

I'm sure things will go well next week and just keep in mind all the reasons you made the decision in the first place. Yes there will probably be some discomfort but it WILL go away. I always figured if 10 year olds can do it, so can I! haha...

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:37 am
by brika
It won't be so bad! Well, not so bad ALL the time...

:wink: Hehe, I'm just kidding with you. Honestly, it's not that terrible. There will be some soreness, but when there is, just keep in mind what the end result will be! :D

Best of luck next week!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:28 pm
by kirjax
It's not that bad.

The only thing I hated was sitting there having my mouth spread open for an hour. Not going to lie your lips are so sore afterwards. So make sure you paint your lips with as much chapstick as you can to avoid them becoming overly sore. And it will take your mouth a few weeks to adjust to all the metal but it goes by quickly. Just hydrate and make sure to use your wax if needed! Best of luck! It's truly going to be fine!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:28 pm
by braceasourus
I get mine the 3rd too. I cant wait its like this week will never end.
I just want to have pretty teeth already!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:33 am
by Summer73
I've been coming to this site for a few weeks now as I accidentally found it one day searching for ortho topics. I haven't posted that much yet as I'm newly registered and I like to read the topics before asking questions.

It seems like it is taking AGES for the 3rd to arrive. I had promised myself that the sooner I have difficult bits finished with, the rest is downhill from there. I made that mistake when having two of my wisdom tooth extractions. I kept holding off and off and off.....until I had no choice to have it done before the end of last year due to our insurance things. I know it won't be pleasant having my mouth opened for an hour or so having the placement, so I'll definitely take my carmex for the lips and coat them extra prior to going.

I'm really trying to eat the 'not supposed to' items now that I won't be able to eat for 31 months. My understanding is that I'll be fully braced with a bite plate. I think that it could be a removable bite plate but not sure.

Thank you all for such great support!!!!!

My brace day - March 3rd

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:33 pm
by All Smiles
Hi Braceasourus and Summer73! I am also getting braces on the same day as you two! I am so so so excited!! I have been reading this forum for about 2 months and decided to go ahead with braces. I am 24 years old and have been wanting straight teeth for a long time. I have a class III, slight crossbite, and crowding in my top arch. For me to have a perfect smile I have to go through surgery: BSSO and Lefort 1 in addition to braces. However, I am not willing to go this route because my underbite is almost unnoticeable to the naked eye unless I clench and bare my teeth. Also, I am in no pain or discomfort except for the occasional clicking of the left side of my jaw (this only happens once a day...maybe). I am also quite happy with my profile. Surgery for me was just not worth it.

So my sentence is 9 months of braces on my top arch only with 3M Clarity ceramic braces on my social six and metal braces on the rest of the teeth. Having my top arch braced will cure the crowding, naturally widen my arch (since my upper jaw is smaller than my lower) and also pull forward some of my teeth making my underbite less obvious. I am hoping to have these braces off by my 25th birthday this November. If not by then, at least they will be off for Christmas!

This forum has really inspired me to go ahead with my braces journey and I have really enjoyed following others' stories. Since the three of us are being braced on the same day I would really love to stay in touch. My appointment is 10am, Tuesday morning and I will be thinking of you both! :D

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:54 pm
by wallywest
I am getting braced on tuesday 3rd at 11 30 pm eastern, I added the time because it would be uncanny if we all got braced at the same time same day ! I cant wait for it either, I just told my girlfriend 3 days ago even though I knew a month prior I was getting braced !
I cant wait . I am scared to be honest.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:30 pm
by Summer73
My appointment was set for 9:10 am central time. I don't know how long I'll have to wait to be seen.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:41 pm
by wallywest
i get the jitters thinking about it everytime.
I am not going to lie I practice smiling with my mouth closed, but trying not be obvious that I am trying to hide my grin.

T - 3 for tuesday !