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I'm now back from my placement!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:07 am
by Summer73
It was a smooth placement for me today. They only placed my top brackets today and will put a spacer on my visit in 7 weeks between two of my lower right molars. The last visit after that will be the week after and they'll place my lower brackets, bite plate and elastics.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:27 pm
by allisun
Congrats, fellow Texan, on starting your journey! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:00 pm
by All Smiles
Glad your appointment went well Summer73! I also had my top arch braced today. I wrote a big description of everything from my appointment this morning to post dinner in your previous message (before your placement). Please go check it out and let me know how your first days are going!

I am just really excited they are finally on my teeth. I had the worst anxiety last night and my stress level was through the roof. I couldn't stop thinking about how they would look to me and to other people, and how they would feel in my mouth. But I am glad that it is finally happening. My boyfriend says he is really proud of me because I have wanted this for a long time. Good job to you too!! :P

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:27 am
by Summer73
Thank you all so very much! I've been expecting pain by now and nothing. I have no discomfort or pain whatsoever. I took ibuprofen right before going for my placement yesterday and haven't taken anything else. I really only feel a bit of pressure but that's about it. I'm also starting to get the canker sores now as a lot of my brackets have the hook on them. The food...........ah......the food. I'm amazed at just HOW MUCH food gets stuck. I go rinse my mouth immediately after eating. That gets most of it as long as I rinse several times.