First day in braces

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First day in braces

#1 Post by rak »

This is my first day in braces!

I got my upper braces on yesterday. They were placed very easily and quickly. It didn’t hurt at all and I didn’t even have a taste of the “glueâ€

* 30.01.09: spacers
* 16.02.09: nance holding arch
* 3.03.09: upper braces (ceramic)
* 11.03.09: upper premolars extraction

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#2 Post by Waiting2BeFabulous »

rak, my fellow Nance buddy :-)

Congrats! You're on your way!

I was really worried about extractions too (also had my top premolars removed) but it really wasn't the awful thing I thought it would be, at all. I mean, not even close to what I'd imagined. I think extractions are MUCH harder to deal with mentally than physically and that you'll be just fine.

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#3 Post by rak »

Thank you for all your support! It’s reassuring to hear these things from someone who experienced them.

I think that we probably have a similar problem in our teeth, as our treatments seem very alike. My ortho yesterday told me I would get rid of the Nance in a year or so, as soon as the extraction gaps close. Looking forward to it :lol: !!

* 30.01.09: spacers
* 16.02.09: nance holding arch
* 3.03.09: upper braces (ceramic)
* 11.03.09: upper premolars extraction

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#4 Post by braceasourus »


I got my braces put on yesterday too! I got both top and bottom. I am in soo much pain. The bottom is the worst...which is weird because its my top teeth that are the real problem. My lips are so sore too.

I'm glad to hear you are doing welll though!!

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#5 Post by rak »

You'll feel better in a couple of days, I'm sure :wink: !
Untill then, plenty of wax and some pain killers if needed.
We're in a race, then :D ! Let's see who is the first to get debrassed.

* 30.01.09: spacers
* 16.02.09: nance holding arch
* 3.03.09: upper braces (ceramic)
* 11.03.09: upper premolars extraction

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#6 Post by tlkiser »

Wow - I'm similar to a couple of you. I had 2 pre-molars removed right about a month ago to prep for braces. Monday I had upper braces and Nance appliance put on.

Rak - try not to worry about the extractions - they aren't nearly as bad as you're thinking. I was worried about it but my experience was pretty good. The actual extraction didn't hurt (well, if you ignore the discomfort from the numbing shots) and I didn't really have much pain afterwards. Tender for a couple days, but nothing that ibuprofen couldn't take care of.

What has surprised me - about both the extractions and the braces - is that it isn't just my teeth/mouth that gets sore. It seems like my whole face hurts.

GAH! I hope it doesn't take a year for my extraction gaps to close - I'm sure the Nance will drive me crazy long before then!! :)

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Re: First day in braces

#7 Post by beth1966 »

[quote="rak"]This is my first day in braces!

I got my upper braces on yesterday. They were placed very easily and quickly. It didn’t hurt at all and I didn’t even have a taste of the “glueâ€

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#8 Post by AviationChick »

Hi! I just got my braces on 4 hours ago. It feels tight, not really sore yet - they said that would happen tomorrow. I got upper and lower full metal (yay me!) And a sentence of 2 years. And we're crossing our fingers that they won't have to pull any to make room.

Let the fun begin :)
Mashed potatoes here I come, ha ha!

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#9 Post by Waiting2BeFabulous »

tlkiser wrote:
GAH! I hope it doesn't take a year for my extraction gaps to close - I'm sure the Nance will drive me crazy long before then!! :)

Meee too. I want this hunk of nonsense out of my mouth in 6 months or so!

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#10 Post by rak »

tlkiser thank you for your support! I can handle the numbing shots just fine (I had a devitalization a few months ago). My worst fears are about the process of extraction itself - I imagine the doctor with his foot against the chair pulling my teeth and almost pulling my head out as well :lol: !

beth1966 Congratulations on your courage! Go ahead with it when you can because in the end it will all be worth it, I'm sure.
I don't know exactly what the brand of my brackets is... but they are "traditional" and I'm using clear elastics. Again, last night I had a friend over, and she only noticed my braces after an hour when I said "aren't you going to say anything about my braces?!" :lol:

AviationChick Today is my third day, and the pain is starting to fade. But I had mashed potatoes for lunch :lol:

* 30.01.09: spacers
* 16.02.09: nance holding arch
* 3.03.09: upper braces (ceramic)
* 11.03.09: upper premolars extraction

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#11 Post by treetornkee2 »

I like the pain feeling from braces, its a sign that your teething are moving and getting straighter. :P Just sucks when i want to eat steaks.

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#12 Post by athomemom »

wow it's nice to see everyone who was in the same boat as me yesturday, I got braced up and i'm scoring a new grill! lol it all went well but today my tongue's really really cut up and soar. i have straight teeth but an impact tooth decided to make its way in through the roof of my mouth behind my front tooth and should be more to the side so this is all because of this impact tooth, so the baby tooth's being pulled in 8weeks which has a short and decaying root thanks t a dentist who didn't know what he was doing or the longterm affects caping a baby tooth. i have no idea how to cope with a constant raw tongue????????? i could put wax where the brcaket is up there but the epastic it's attached to is what's cutting my mouth. any sugesstions or similar stories???

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