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hey! braces on friday

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:12 pm
by amberblue
ey everyone i have been lurking on here for a bu=it and thought now is the time to post as i got a phone call from the dentist with a slot on friday to get my braces on eeeekkkk!

I have VERY crooked teeth, they are awful so i have to do something (im 24 btw). I have to get an extraction on the bottom as well.

Jusy a query...have any of you had your teeth shaved down?? i have some crowding on my top teeth and my two front teeth are very large and prominent so the dentist said he is going to shave them down to a more "normal size" before applying the braces?? have any of you had this done?? is it safe??

Going for ceramics on top and bottom, my dentist reckons the top ones will only have to be kept on for 3 months? is this not a very short space of time?? it is only minimal crowding but i still thought this was very short treatment time. thanks in advance for any replies...ill post pics up soon of before and after the braces are on x

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:53 pm
by Megan11
Three months seems extremely too short. The quickest I have heard of is 6 month braces. Even after your teeth are straight you need to have a "stabilizing period" which usually is about 6 months. You don't want your teeth to move too fast because it could cause a lot of damage.

I haven't had my teeth shaved down but I was under the impression that, that took place after debonding but I could be wrong.

Also I would definitely check your dentist's credentials. I think you should consult with an orthodontist as well.

Best of Luck.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:49 am
by amberblue
thanks for ur reply!! sorry i didnt make that overly clear he is an orthodontist who will be doing everything and he has got really good credentials i have been to a few and i liked him best so have decided to stick with him...he knows how much im dreading getting them in so i think he may be saying the treatment time is alot shorter than it is actually going to be just so i would agree! i think when i have them on ill get used to them anyway and i guess a longer time in braces wont be sooo bad. thanks for the reply x

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:16 pm
by jcjc205
hey, I'm getting braces on friday too!!!