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discouraged underbiter

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:54 pm
by laxtreme56
I went to see my ortho today to get my sagittal appliance tightened. After wearing it for nearly ten months and not getting very visible results I asked my ortho when my bite would start to change. Much to my disapointment he stated that for all intents and purposes my bite has pretty much stabilized and the only way to fix it is through surgery. I asked about possibly camoflauging my bite by tipping teeth or extractions and he was against it. He also said surgery would be "crazy" and that I wouldn't want my jaw wired for 6 weeks. I'm quite upset that my ortho has pretty much given in and thinks the job is done. While I am not looking for surgery I do want to fix my underbite and not just live with it. While my sagittal appliance only cost $300 and didn't exactly break the bank, I feel like the last year or so was pretty much wasted. I'm supposed to go back in June for a checkup but am thinking I'm done with my ortho for good. I have a consulation set up for next thursday with a new ortho and will probrally go to a few more before I decide where my orthodantic journey will lead me. Sorry for the rambling, I just needed a place to vent and share my experience.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:05 am
by ohmyjaw
Good for you for getting another consultation - it's not right for your ortho to just give up like that.

I had jaw surgery, and yes it is an ordeal but it is not "crazy", and I only had my jaw wired shut for 10 days, not six weeks. But, there may be other ways that you can address the underbite without resorting to surgery, and I hope you find an ortho who can help you. Good luck!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:28 am
by marycotter5678
Hi. I have just started treatment for my underbite, among the many other ortho problems I have =)
My ortho thinks she can do a decent jo at fixing my underbite with just braces but I am afraid that at my age it won't be satisfactory or very functional - she plans on flaring my top teeth..
I am in fact considering surgery - I plan on seeing an oral surgeon by June.

If I were you i would consult with an oral surgeon an see what they tell you. Its your mouth...