Hi everyone, I am new here. I am 23 and looking into getting braces very soon! I am most interested in the Damon brackets and SureSmile. I have never had previous orthodontic work or evaluations, but I can tell just by looking at my teeth that I definitely need braces. I don't have any functional problems with my teeth; my concerns are mostly aesthetic. I have lots of crowding and one tooth came in on top of another tooth. It is noticeable because it is right next to my front teeth. I am hoping that an orthodontist can align all of my teeth properly without the need for extractions. I have heard that extractions are less common today but I'm afraid that I might have to have some teeth pulled--I just don't see how an ortho can get my tooth on top of a tooth into alignment without making space for it via extractions. I'll just keep my fingers crossed and wait and see what the ortho's have to say.
Here are some pictures of my teeth. They were taken using my laptop's built in webcam so the quality is a bit poor but I think the problem with my teeth are clearly evident.
Note the off-center midline in the first pic:
Here's another. I have a really ugly looking jaw/chin. It looks too prominent to me. In face-only pictures, I look overweight because of it but I am actually not. Will braces change my face at all?:
Another pic:
And finally, the bottom arch:
As far as I know, there are no ortho's on board, but I'd appreciate it if anyone here could give me some insight on my ortho problem. I'm especially interested if anyone here has ever had a tooth on top of a tooth (not sure what the technical name is) and if you had to have extractions.