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First Adjustment since Braced

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:06 am
by AviationChick
Good Afternoon!

I had my first adjustment today since getting braced 6 weeks ago. They only changed my o-rings, as my teeth are still moving quite a bit with the wire that I have. Ortho says that everything is going great but that I will be needing vertical rubberbands by my next appointment. What are those for exactly? What do they do?

Anyway, I told him that I was still very easy with foods that I don't like anything that is chewy (certain meats and definitely no steak) I've dropped 4 pounds so far. He said that I would get better and grow out of that. I'm just scared of breaking a bracket I don't want to jeopardize my treatment time by one minute! I figure if I'm a good girl that I'll get early release LOL! I definitely don't want the time extended! So I've been really easy with them.

Anyway, just had to ramble -

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:35 am
by Andromeda
Congrats on making it to your first adjustment :) I've been braced for 13 months and was supposed to get debraced this month but my time got extended a few months. I have been supper compliant, never broke any brackets or anything and always wear my elastics as prescribed by my ortho but I still got extended. Sometimes it just takes longer than they originally guess it will so don't be too set on a specific debrace time bc most of us go past that through no fault of our own.

I think the vertical rubberbands are probably elastics, they will hook from top teeth to bottom teeth and are usually used to fix your bite. I have pics of me wearing mine in the last page of my braces story. They can be worn in different ways depending on what needs to move where.

Hope I helped and hope your treatment goes by quickly for you!